Employee Pages
Candidate to the University Board - Group B

Christina Engebrethsen

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I am running for election as a candidate for the temporary academic staff, group B, because I want to be a clear voice for our group. I am a PhD candidate, and a former medical student at UiB. I am currently representing Group B on the Council for Extended Research Management at the Faculty of Medicine and the Council for the University Library.

Temporary employees are a very mixed group, everyone is devoted to their fields, but we are very scattered throughout the campus and research groups and many are not working closely with other temporary staff. It is therefore extra important that we have a clear and distinct voice at the center of UiB, so that our wishes and needs can be met. It is important that a good flow of information is maintained through all the faculties. Despite great differences, there are also many common denominators, and there is strength in unity. The university must increase its support of employees in fixed-term positions and make our opportunity to develop as researchers and lecturers the best possible, especially now in a period where many are even more pressed for time than usual.