Department of Earth Science
GEO Election of department board members 2023

GEO Election of department board members 2023

Representatives for Group B (temporary employees in teaching and reseach positions) and Group D (students) are to be elected for the period 2023 – 2024. The candidates will be elected for the term 01.08.2023 – 31.07.2024 and voting starts 23th May at 09:00AM and ends 25th May at 12:00PM.


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According to the Universities and Colleges Act 2005 temporary academic staff, group B, each year elect one member and two substitute members to the Institute Board. The candidates will be elected for the term 01.08.2022 – 31.07.2023.

Voting period will start 23th May at 09:00 am and ends 25th May at 12:00 noon

Please vote herehttps://valg.uib.no/


Deadline for submitting proposals was: 20th March 2023, 12:00 noon

If you want to run for the department board, or you know someone who would make a good candidate, we would like to hear from you.

How to put forth proposals to members of the department board:

  • The proposal must be in writing.
  • The proposal must be signed by at least the same number of proposers as the number of candidates the proposal contains.
  • The proposer(s) must be entitled to vote in the election.
  • No one can sign more than one proposal.
  • All proposed candidates must be eligible.
  • If any candidate is entitled to exemption from election, a written consent from the candidate must be attached to the proposal.
  • The proposal must be submitted no later than 12 noon on 20th March. 
  • Submit your proposals to: by e-mail to TrineLise.Stjernholm@uib.no, The written proposal must be attached.

Who can vote?

You can vote if you fulfill the following requirements:

Temporary academic staff employed in a minimum 50% position for the coming 12 months, or staff that have been consecutively employed for at least 12 months.

  • Gr. B - Please check if you are eligible to voteThe register will be updated in March.  
  • Gr. D - Please check if you are eligible to voteThe register will be updated in March. 

If you cannot find your name in the electoral register, please let us know by sending an e-mail to: valgstyret@uib.no 

Group B Temporary staff

Group B: Temporary staff – teaching and research positions

We need 1 member and 2 substitute members in Group B.

The candidates you can choose from are:

Helene Meling Stemland
Therese Rieckh
Hakan Heggernes

Vote here: https://valg.uib.no/

Group D: Students

Group D: Students

We need 3 members and 2 substitute members in Group D.

The candidates you can choose from are:

Julie Nes Pytterud
Eirik Fyrand Siira
Alette Kleven
Stine Grindheim
Ole Skår Jøsok

Vote here: https://valg.uib.no/

Voting period will start 23th May at 09:00 am and ends 25th May at 12:00 noon, vote below

VOTE HERE - https://valg.uib.no/

Candidates on election for the period 1.8.2023-31.7.2024:

Voting will start 23th May at 09:00 am and ends 25th May at 12:00 noon.

The Faculty's election committee spring 2023

Gr. A: Fredrik Manne, leader of the election committeeSubstitute member: Tanja Barth, professor, Kjemisk institutt

Gr. A: Jorun Egge, professor, Institutt for biologiSubstitute member: Bjørn Grung, professor, Kjemisk institutt

Gr. B: Mathias Sæther, postdoktor, Instituttfor fysikk og teknologi

Gr. C: Linda Vagtskjold, administrasjonssjef, Institutt for informatikk Vara:  Ole Tumyr, senioringeniør, Institutt for geovitenskap

Gr. D: Matias Helleve, masterstudent, Institutt for fysikk og teknologi

Secretary to the election committee: Gry E. Parker