The University of Bergen (UiB) has 3 strategic multidisciplinary focus areas. One of these, “Global Challenges”, was officially launched 15 May 2017.

Main content
UiB Rector, Dag Rune Olsen, and Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Dean, Nina Langeland, accompanied by advisors Howaida Faisal Abdelrahman and Ingvild Hope cut the ribbon to officially launch the new Global Challenges initiative. Global Challenges at UiB will entail “multiple disciplinary” activity involving all the university’s 7 Faculties. The Faculty Deans form the Steering Group for Global Challenges.
Multiple Discipinary activity
The Opening Seminar aimed to highlight the currently on-going “multiple disciplinary” Global Challenge activity at UiB as well as to present some ideas for future initiatives. The focus was on information sharing, bridge- and network-building, attracting interest and providing motivation for strengthening and expanding activity in this important university priority area.
*see the Fact Box to the right for an explanation of multiple disciplinary
The multiple disciplinarity of this activity was underlined in the seminar programme: researchers engaged in multiple disciplinary global challenge activity gave short presentations of their work. Each presentation was followed by a comment from a representative from another university Faculty.
(both a full and short version of the Programme are attached below)
Future directions
In the second part of the seminar programme, work relating to future initiatives was highlighted. Preliminary plans for a new cross Faculty Master in Global Studies were presented. The important role of administrative staff in facilitating and structuring UiB’s Global Challenges activities was stressed. Bente Moen, who leads this activity, underlined the expertise and diverse competencies required. She said it is like leading a first-rate orchestra!
Countries around the world are engaged in responding to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Researchers involved in Global Challenges at UiB are already working with the Norwegian government to spearhead Norway’s response. UiB will host a conference next year profiling this activity.
The Global Challenges’ strategy group, who were responsible for organising the seminar, are to be congratulated for their efforts. The day assembled and inspired top university leadership, Faculty leadership, researchers, administrators and even students! Follow along with developments on the Global Challenges web pages.