Faculty of Humanities

The upcoming university elections

Postdoc or PhD-candidate? Sign up for a free lunch and information about university democracy.

The Norwegian founding fathers expected the university to be self-governed, according to the Humboltian principles.
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There will be elections for the Faculty and University leadership in the last week of April. The Group B electors, that is, the PhD-candidates and postdocs, will elect representatives for the governing boards of the institutes, the faculty and the university. Norwegian university democracy guarantees a voice at the table for researchers with temporary employment, but it can be difficult to orient oneself as a citizen of the Norwegian academic democracy - not least since quite a bit of the accessible written information only exists in Norwegian. 

The HF Electoral Commission therefore invites all PhD candidates and Post-docs to a short (45 min) seminar on the UiB democratic system. The seminar will be held in English. The goal is to strenghen the participatory culture at the Humanities faculty over time, and involve more of the temporary employees in the democratic processes at the university. 

The leader of the electoral commission (and expert on ancient political systems), Ingvar Mæhle, will introduce the Norwegian university democracy. The current group B-representatives on the university board, Eirik Hovden (IF), and on the faculty board, Are Bøe Pedersen (LLE), will hold short introductions on Norwegian university democracy. Runa Falck from Stip-HF, the PhD organizations at HF, will open the event. 

If you register for lunch, the electoral commission offers a rich picking of luncheon treats. Bring an office mate!
