Department of Information Science and Media Studies

Zuojun Xiong

In my project, I want use the hybrid logic and logic with questions to describe rational choices. And extending the single-agent system into the multi-agent setting, and consider the problems of decision-making by agents and even communities, including communications between agents.

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We will also consider question-answer games and public announce games, and then provide a model checking for it. At this stage I am planning a dissertation with three major parts. The first will be on multi-agent questions and choices. The second with consider question-answer games and public announce games in the logic of questions and choices. The third part will be on model checking.

As we know, questions  influence an agent's preferences and choices. Although we are primarily guided by our preferences, when we make a choice, it is between some set of competing alternatives.  This set must be selected for consideration and this is where questions are involved, as we ask about different features to consider. Thus
questions are a tool for expanding the set of possibilities. Moreover, when we think of decision-making in this way, certain postulates of rational behaviour suggest themselves. For example, we might think it reasonable  that the order in which questions are asked is ultimatelyirrelevant.

We are going to look at the role of questions in directing scientific research. Experimental generalisations are always expressed as 'Ceteris Paribus' laws(all other things being equal) and 'open' questions are typical. For example, when observing the inverse correlation between the pressure and volume of a gas in a high school physics experiment on Boyle's Law, the student must pay particular attention to the ceteris paribus clause `in conditions of constant temperature'.  To ask the question `What about the temperature?'  is to remove the restriction to constant temperature, and calls for further experiments to discover the resulting, more complicated, dependencies.