Department of Clinical Medicine

The year's best health news in Bergen

Bergens Tidende singles out CCBIO as one of the best health news in Bergen in 2013.

The center has nine projects, each led by a project manager. From the left:...
The center has nine projects, each led by a project manager. From the left: Bjørn Tore Gjertsen, Karl Henning Kalland, Anne Christine Johannessen, Lars A. Akslen, Helga B. Salvesen, Oddbjørn Straume, Donald Gullberg. James Lorens and Rolf Reed were not present when the photo was taken.
BT, Jan M. Lillebø

Main content

K1's professor and center manager Lars Akslen was interviewed in this connection.

- Much of the cancer treatment of today is like shooting with a shotgun. We wish to find the biomarkers and medication which makes it possible to hit the target precisely, says professor Akslen.

See the article here.