Centre for Deep Sea Research

S-type granites related to accretion of Ordovician island arc complexes on Bømlo

MSc project of Matz Sagebakken Slotnes

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Project title

S-type granites related to accretion of Ordovician island arc complexes on Bømlo


Rolf Birger Pedersen, Håvard Hallås Stubseid

Project description

The geology of Sunnhordaland was at one time similar to what one sees today in the Himalayas. Through research that goes back decades, the area has been mapped, and through my master's project I hope to increase our understanding of the area. The project is based on geochemical analyzes and uranium-lead dating of S-type granites formed in connection with the accretion of Ordovician island arc complexes when the continents of Baltica and Laurentia collided.