We help you to produce videos and podcasts
Would you like to use video or audio for teaching or knowledge dissemination? Here you will find an overview of available services and tools for video and audio production.
Videoproduksjoner fra UiB Læringslab
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The UiB Learning Lab can help you produce videos and podcasts for teaching and dissemination. Our production staff has both technical and pedagogical competencies, and many years of experience with video production for the university. We can guide you with your own productions with a phone or a webcam, assist you with studio productions or provide large-scale productions. We also provide guidance on how to integrate these productions into your courses.
Further, you can make simple screen recordings of yourself in front of the web camera using the video service Panopto, which is integrated into Mitt UiB.
How to request our services
All requests for the UiB Learning Lab can be sent through the Self-Service Portal UiBhelp. Check the box for "Media production" when you want support for a video or podcast. When you send a request, it is important that we receive detailed information about your project. Among other things, we need to know what the project is about, how extensive it is, and when it must be produced. Before sending a request, please take a look at this guide.
When you are planning to produce by yourself
The UiB Learning Lab can assist you with tips and advice on how you can use your own mobile phone to make recordings when you work from home. We can also give advice on how to equip your mobile phone to become a better video and photo camera. We have information about extra equipment and offer guidance for purchase, use and setup. Contact the UiB Learning Lab for advice.
See the recommended extra equipment for mobile phones (in Norwegian).
We can also assist by lending equipment and providing a range of services for larger productions.
Borrow camera packages from the UiB Learning Lab
We also have camera packages that can be borrowed by researchers who wish to film work in the field, during trips or similar. We provide guidance for use and can also assist with editing work afterwards, by appointment.

Use our studio in Media City
In our studio in Media City, you can get help to do recordings (by appointment). We have a large touch screen that can display content and is filmed as a "board" in the room. We also have equipment for 3-camera productions, and the option to film against a white/black background or make "green screen recordings" (Chroma key). This makes it possible to add images/graphics to the studio background if necessary.

Get help with a complete video production
Video production requires planning, recording and editing. Get in touch early if you want a total production. Then, you can get help from the planning stages. Video is a medium and it is important to think about the content from the very beginning. If you already have an idea about what is going to be included in the video, you can start here. Write down what one should see, and hear or read in the video in the correct order. You can use the recording plan if you plan to do your own recording.
Take a look at these instructions before you send us a request.
Create podcast
An audio file is simple in production, takes up little space, and can be listened to anywhere and anytime. Audio is perhaps the simplest and most user-friendly format of communication. We can help you get started and advise on the best use of audio for teaching and dissemination. Loan equipment from us, or record audio in our podcast studio.
We have a professional podcast studio in Media City Bergen, which is available by appointment to all employees at the University of Bergen. The studio is set up for recording with up to 4 people physically in the room, plus a remote guest via screen. The studio also enables multi-camera video recording in high quality.
Requests for use of the studio must be sent to the UiB learning lab via UiB hjelp. Using the studio requires some training and technical support, so availability depends on capacity.

Some benefits of using podcasts:
- Podcasts are relatively easy and low-cost to produce.
- Sound is a powerful medium for storytelling and can work better than video for "talking heads"
- Podcasts have many different formats and can be adapted to almost any genre.
- This saves time for the students because they can absorb content while doing other activities.
- You can dig very deep into narrow topics.
- Podcasts can add to other content.
The production group has wide knowledge about the use of video for teaching. Contact us if you need advice about how to use video in your teaching activities.