Research school in Literature, Culture and Aesthetics

Main content
The research school is open to PhD candidates in the Department for Foreign Languages and the Department of Linguistics, Literature, and Aesthetics. It provides a weekly, low-threshold forum for PhD candidates to discuss issues related to their ongoing research projects. At least once a month, the school hosts a seminar where candidates are given the opportunity to present draft written material or a practice conference paper, and professional development themes (e.g. publishing, conference participation, time management) may also be discussed. The research school arranges masterclasses for PhDs that have about 6 months left of the PhD period.
Research School Activities
Writing workshop: Written material for discussion (up to about 20 pages), pre-circulated.
Practice conference presentation: The presenter receives feedback on the form and content.
Professional development: Different themes are discussed, with presentations from the research school’s organizers and others.
Social lunch: No agenda.
Masterclass: See below.
The research school’s program is planned at the start of every semester. An updated program is coming soon.
Note that all research school activities are announced by email to the research school’s members.
Masterclass (final seminar)
All PhD-candidates have the opportunity to have a masterclass. When the candidate has come sufficiently far with the dissertation (about 80%), an external expert is invited to read and comment on material from the dissertation. The masterclass is carried out as a seminar where the candidate first presents their dissertation (about 15 minutes), and thereafter the external expert comments on and discusses the written material with the candidate. The masterclass is open for anyone interested, and the public is invited to contribute to the discussion. Often the external expert is invited to give a guest lecture in conjunction with the masterclass.
The masterclass is arranged in cooperation with the candidate, supervisor, and the leadership of the research school. Any PhD candidate that desires to have a masterclass should contact their supervisor or research school organizer.
The research school covers the costs of an honorarium, travel and room and board for the external expert.
New PhD candidates within literature, culture, and aesthetic fields in IF and LLE are usually contacted by the organizers of the research school, and will be added to the research school’s member list and email list.
The research school’s activities are offered for PhD candidates. It is expected that candidates associate themselves with a research school and contribute to its activities. Questions concerning membership and the email list can be sent to the administrative contact person for the research school (see the menu on the right for contact information).