Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Thesis defence with recordbreaking number of papers

Daniel Lokshtanov is only 25 years old, but has already published 22 scientific papers. On June 22 he will defend his PhD thesis - one year ahead of time!

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Daniel Lokshtanov at the Department of Informatics has produced his 22 scientific journals during the last 3 years; half of them in 2009. Such a production is sensational for someone that is merely a student, and also such a young one. It is exceptional with such a production during 3 years even for well established professors.

Daniel is now finishing his PhD thesis one year ahead of time, and he has also been busy with compulsory teaching. In addition he is a driving force to teach high school students in informatics; he organizes the Norwegian Olympics in Informatics for high school students all over the country and travels with them to international competitions.

Daniel Lokshtanov is born in Russia, but raised in Bergen since he was 6 years.

The thesis defence takes place on monday June 22 at 10:15 in the big auditorium at Høyteknologisenteret. The title of the thesis is: "New Methods in Parameterized Algorithms and Complexity".