Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

News archive for Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

A joint EEA project on diversity and biotechnology of extremophilic Archaea from geothermal environments in Bulgaria has been awarded to the General Microbiology research group and the Institute of Microbiology, The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
The Dynamic Meteorology group of the Geophysical Institute has been on a trip to the United Kingdom this autumn.
Kjetil Dale has completed his Master degree in microbiology on a study of thermostable transketolase enzymes from an extremophilic bacterium from the deep hot biosphere. Congratulations!
The Marine Microbiology Group and other scientists conducted a large experiment on marine microbial ecology in Svalbard during the summer of 2015. The experiment was recently featured in 'Schrödinger's Katt' on NRK.
Sudeep Karki has completed his Master degree in microbiology on a study of thermostable sugar aminotransferse enzymes from the deep subsurface. Congratulations!
Emphatically NO says EECRG Professor II Kathy Willis in a recent BBC Radio 4 interview introduced by Jim Al-Khalili.
Professor Hans Tore Rapp, a theme leader at the Centre for Geobiology (CGB), wil lead the interdisciplinary Horison 2020 (H202) project.
Representatives from the Centre for Geobiology (CGB) were part of the University of Bergen team participating in Transatlantic Science Week 2015 in Boston, Nov 4-6.
This year Norwegian Centres of Excellence (CoEs) have made many scientific breakthroughs. In 2015 CoE scientists have published eight articles in Nature since January, equaling the number of CoE Nature publications during 2014.
The Centre for Geobiology (CGB) at the University of Bergen (UiB) is assuming an important leadership role in deep sea research, both in Norway and Internationally.
Silje has finished the behaviour experiments for her Masters project
Master student Ingeborg Bjerkvik Alnes has just finished her first round of behavioural tests.
After one year drifting across in the Artic Ocean, professor Yngve Kristoffersen, arrived in Longyearbyen, 22 August, 2015.
Lianna Poghosyan completed her Master degree in microbiology in May 2015 on a study of microbial diversity in Armenian geothermal environments. Congratulations!
Professor Emerita Hilary Birks received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Paleolimnological Association on 4 August 2015. She was given the award during their international symposium in Lanzhou, China.
