Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

News archive for Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Young microbiologists enjoyed a couple of days in Ustaoset in the beginning of February to engange in interesting research discussions and make use of great skiing conditions.
Many people at GFI have realized the busy activity of a bunch of people around three big white boxes in front of the institute on January 20 and 21.
Sandhya P. Tiwari will defend her thesis "Computational strategies for comparing the intrinsic dynamics of multiple proteins".
We have investigate the role of intrinsic dynamics involved in changing the oligomeric state via allosteric ligands or mutations in the PyrR family of proteins.
Deep ocean volcanoes creating unique ecosystems and opportunities for the future
Visiting fish landing sites is a great opportunity to learn about fisheries and fish diversity in Taiwan.
BIO research on NRKs science program Schrødingers Katt for the next four weeks
Researchers at UiB have contributed to the cracking of the code for altering the shape of proteins. The new knowledge can become useful in both biotechnology and medicine.
Camilla Jensen has defended her Master's thesis - and with the highest possible mark! EvoFish congratulates :)
This week, Line Merethe Myklebust, Svein Isungset Støve and colleagues in the Arnesen and Reuter groups of the Protein modifications, Metabolism and Disease (ProtMetD) research programme at MBI, presented novel findings on the Ogden syndrome in Human Molecular Genetics.
The University of Bergen received a total of NOK 30.3 million for cancer research.
Some additional samples from Lake Myravatn were needed, and Ingrid Wathne and her colleagues went once again to the lake, this time in beautiful (but rainy) autumn setting.
Editorial in "GEOSTANDARDS and GEOANALYTICAL RESEARCH" marking the passing away of professor Jan Košler
