Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

News archive for Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

New article shows that maturation in male guppies is influenced by the social environment in which they grow.
A new article in the ICES Journal of Marine Science finds a widespread positive relationship between fish weight and price per kg in Norwegian fisheries.
Outhreach is becoming an increasingly important yardstick for the relevance of scientific research.
Daniel Ricard from the Biology Centre (České Budějovice) is spending two months in Bergen.
Researchers and school kids with a mission: bridging the gap between climate science and society
Associate professor at the Department of Earth Science and Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, Kerim H Nisancioglu, chaired a successfull ACDC2013 summerschool.
PhD student Keno Ferter is studying this hotly debated issue.
A serendipitous visit to the dentist may have rescued a valuable fresh-water mussel population!
ResClim invites to course at Finse.
Evolutionary Fisheries Ecology and Evolutionary Ecology groups have joined the forces.
Piero Lopez has started his master's project on analysing growth in guppies based on their otoliths.
Microbial diversity in tropical aquatic environments
Environmental microbiology in Bangladesh
Learning more about the changes that occur in the brain of salmon during smoltification may give us insight into the plasticity of our own brain.
Henrik Christiansen, who visited EvoFish last winter to carry out the practical research for his master's project, has now passed the final examination at his home institute at the University of Bremen. EvoFish congratulates!
Two of BIO’s prize-winning teachers share some of their reflections on what makes a good teacher.
At FOCS 2013, one of the two highest ranked conferences in Theoretical Computer Science, the following two papers will be presented, with co-authors associated to Bergen highlighted in boldface:
Jacob Bjerknes, the father of modern weather forecasting, suggested a connection between European weather and temperatures in the North Atlantic. Fifty years later, the Bjerknes Centre in Bergen helps to prove that Bjerknes was right in his prediction.
