Faculty of Medicine

Major funding for Parkinson’s research from the Norwegian Health Authorities

The Parkinson's research program led by Prof. Charalampos Tzoulis at the Neuro-SysMed Center has been strengthened by grants from the regional and national Norwegian Health Authorities, amounting to more than 3 million Euros.

Charalamopos Tzoulis i labben. Han står med armene i kors mellom to store sprossekledde vinduer og ser rett inn i kamera. Bak ham kan man se divere utstyr til labben. Utenfor er det grønt og frodig, man kan se hus oppover skråningene.
Eivind Senneset

Main content

The grants will fund two clinical studies led by Prof. Tzoulis' group: The NOPARK and N-DOSE studies.

NOPARK is a phase II, double-blinded randomized clinical trial of NAD-replenishment therapy by oral nicotinamide riboside (NR) in Parkinson's disease. The trial will determine whether NR has neuroprotective action and delays the motor and non-motor progression of Parkinson's disease. A total of 400 persons with Parkinson's disease who have had the diagnosis for up to 2 years will be recruited from all of Norway.

N-DOSE is a phase II, double-blinded randomized dose optimization study, which aims to determine the optimal dose of nicotinamide riboside (NR) for Parkinson's disease. The study will initiate in early 2022 and recruit a total of 80 patients with Parkinson's disease.