Centre for Nutrition

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Stipendiatmøter ved Senter for ernæring

Senter for ernæring inviterer til åpne forskermøter der stipendiatene ved senteret og samarbeidspartnere får presentere sine prosjekter for med-stipendiater, kolleger og andre som er interesserte. Det er satt av ca. en halv time til presentasjon og deretter er det tid til spørsmål og diskusjon.

Dersom oppsatt program ikke passer oppfordrer vi stipendiatene til å bytte datoer innbyrdes og deretter gi beskjed til Ulrike Spielau (Ulrike.Spielau@uib.no) for oppdatering av programmet. Gi beskjed til Ulrike dersom du ønsker å bli lagt til på mailinglisten eller har/er en ny stipendiat som gjerne vil presentere ditt ernæringsprosjekt.

Tid: Annenhver mandag, kl. 13.00-14.00

Sted: Vil variere. Oppgis i påminnelsen som sendes ut i forkant av hvert møte.

Møtet er også tilgjengelig via Teams (lenke sendes ut i forkant av møtet).

Høsten 2018

1. oktober: Hanna Rosendahl-Riise: Fish and vitamin D intake. It’s effect on sarcopenia, osteoporosis and hip fractures.

15. oktober: Eric Somé: Breastfeeding patterns and mothers’ health in an HIV context in Sub Saharan Africa
Hanne Rosendahl-Riise, som skal disputere 23. oktober, skal ha sin prøve-prøveforelesning om PUFA’s

29. oktober: Thomas Aloysius: Chicken protein hydrolysates targeting mitochondria exert anti-atherosclerotic effect beyond plasma cholesterol lowering activity in apoE-/- mice

12. november: Elise Grytten: Effects of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids on lipoprotein profiles in abdominally obese people: a randomized double-blind crossover trial

Våren 2019

4. februar: Johnny Laupsa-Borge: Dietary fats and atherogenic phenotypes - data from three randomized clinical trials

18. februar: Hanna Dale: Can a dietary supplement with cod protein hydrolysate improve health?

25. februar: Iselin Vildmyren (øving til disputas): Effects of cod residual protein supplementation in healthy adults: Impact on glucose regulation and lipid metabolism

4. mars: Teresa Risan Haugsgjerd: Diet, weight change and risk factor modification as predictors of incident coronary heart disease and mortality. A longitudinal study of participants in the Hordaland Health Study (HUSK).

18. mars: Ingen møte p.g.a. KEFF-konferanse

1. april:  AVLYST

29. april: Anthea van Parys: Dietary choline and acute myocardial infarction     

27. mai: Helene Dahl: Nutritional status in chronic kidney disease

Høsten 2019

9. september: Vegard Lysne: Biomarkers of one-carbon metabolism and B-vitamin status

23. september: Ragnhild Marie Mellingen (HI): Interaction between nutrients and methylmercury

7. oktober: Karianne Svendsen (UiO): Effects of high cholesterol levels on healthy adults and familial hypercholesterolemia: results from two projects

21. oktober: Eli Skeie: The association between nutritional risk and surgery related complications, and the effect of preoperative nutritional consulting prior to elective surgery

4. november: Iselin Vildmyren: Health effects of proteins from cod residuals

18. november: Caroline Jensen: Health effects of a cod protein hydrolysate

2. desember: Cathrine Horn (presenterer ikke ph.d.-prosjektet sitt, men): Team-based learning (TBL) for the introvert and extrovert student – is team-based learning a suitable strategy for learning in accordance with both personality traits? 

Våren 2020

27. januar: Marte Almenning Trollebø: Screening for malnutrition; preliminary results from the MALNUTRA study

10. februar: Beate Stokke Solvik: Fish, B vitamins and cognition - Biomarkers in preschool children

9. mars: Hanna Fjeldheim Dale (øving til disputas): Health effects of supplementation with cod protein hydrolysate: Impact on glucose metabolism and appetite in healthy subjects and gut health in irritable bowel syndrome

27. mars: Benuarda Toto: Presenterer sitt ph.d-prosjekt om mikroplast

30. mars: Hanna Fjeldheim Dale (øving til prøveforelesning): The role of gut microbiota in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD): a potential treatment target?

17. april: Marie Njerve Olsen

24. april: Cathrine Horn (leder en diskusjon med utgangspunkt i artikkelen): OBEDIS Core Variables Project: European Expert Guidelines on a Minimal Core Set of Variables to Include in Randomized, Controlled Clinical Trials of Obesity Interventions

8. mai: Theogene Habumugisha: Protein intake and nutrition status of older adults: Perspective from sustainable dietary consumption

15. mai: Synnøve Næss (HI): Different levels of iodine intake in pregnant and lactating women and its possible effect on thyroid function and infant development

20. mai: Åslaug Oddsdatter Matre (presenterer sin masteroppgave): Meat intake is associated with increased risk of acute myocardial infarction in patients with cardiovascular disease

29. mai: Zoya Sabir: Dietary assessment in HUSK 3

Høsten 2020

18. september: Håvard Opheim Rise (presenterer sin masteroppgave): Determinants of vitamin D status

23. oktober: Ingrid Revheim: Health effects of dietary carbohydrate quality – Clinical and epidemiologic studies in humans

20. november: Kristin Ingvaldsen Folven: Nutrition and health care services – a missed opportunity? A cohort study in older patients.

Høsten 2021

20. september: Emilie Nygjerde Sandberg og Ragnhild Vada Grønlie: Presenterer masterprosjektet sitt som er basert på "Diabeteskoststudien"

4. oktober: Jutta Dierkes

18. oktober: Ingrid Revheim

1. november: Marte Almenning Trollebø

15. november: Anthea Van Parys (øving til disputas)

29. november: Synnøve Næss

13. desember: Simon Dankel: Individual metabolic responses to diet

Våren 2022

24. januar: Alice Refosco: Health effect of microplastics

7. februar: Ulrike Spielau: Living environment affects obesity in children and adolescents

21. februar: Cathrine Horn: Role of dietary carbohydrate quality and quantity in visceral obesity reduction - Results from CARBFUNC

7. mars: Kari Sygnestveit:  Underernæring – den mest underdiagnostiserte og underbehandlede tilstanden i Norge?

4. april: Hanne Rosendahl-Riise: Peer-assisted learning in clinical nutrition internship in the primary health care service

2. mai: Thor Olav Iversen: Chronicle of global hunger estimation

30. mai: Siri Aksnes og Inger Beate Tveit: Validation of a digital iodine-specific FFQ - and urinary iodine concentrations after intake of sushi and seaweed salad

Høsten 2022

12. september: Helene Dahl: Determinants and consequences of nutritional status in patients with chronic kidney disease

26. september: AVLYST

10. oktober: Victoria Ringseth: Nutrition in an intensive care patient: from admission to discharge

24. oktober: Ingunn Engebretsen

7. november: Theogene Habumugisha: Perception and attitude of the older adults towards reduced dietary meat consumption in Kigali, Rwanda

21. november: Oddrun Anita Gudbrandsen: Effects of fish residual proteins on dyslipidemia, insulin resistance, and hypertension in rats and dogs

5. desember: AVLYST

19. desember: AVLYST

Våren 2023

16. januar: Eline Hillestad: Symptom relief after fecal microbiota transplantation and a low FODMAP diet in patients with IBS: how does diet make a difference?

13. februar: Inka Alten: Analysis of Alkylresorcinols and their associations with CVD risk factors in the Hordaland Health Studies (HUSK) in Norway

13. mars: Hanna Flækøy Skjåkødegård: Family-based treatment of children with severe obesity in a public healthcare setting - effectiveness and barriers

27. mars: Kristin Amundsen

24. april: Info kommer

8. mai: Marianne Bråtveit

22. mai: Info kommer

5. juni: Info kommer

19. juni: Info kommer