ENMARINE researchers
The following is a list of affiliated researchers to the ENMARINE project
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Iselin Åsedotter Strønen
Iselin Åsedotter Strønen is an Associate Professor at the Department of Social Anthropology at the University of Bergen. She holds a PhD in Social Anthropology (UiB, 2014), a Master of Philosophy in Anthropology of Development (UiB, 2006), and a Master in International Journalism (City University London, 2008). Her research interests include natural resource management, gender, poverty, socio-economic inequalities, and political anthropology, broadly speaking. She has conducted extensive field research in Venezuela, Brazil, and Angola, and has been part of several research projects at the Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI) and the University of Bergen. In the period 2015-2019 she was part of the research project Energethics. Norwegian energy companies abroad. Expanding the anthropological understanding of corporate social responsibility, through which she conducted a case study of Equinor’s Corporate Social Responsibility-policy in Brazil.
Her current research focuses on women in the fishery sector in northerwestern and northern Spain, and conflicts between the fishery sector and offshore wind development.
Strønen is the author of Grassroots Politics and Oil Culture in Venezuela. The Revolutionary Petro-State (Palgrave Mcmillan, 2017) and, with Margit Ystanes, the co-editor of The Social Life of Economic Inequalities in Contemporary Latin America: Decades of Change (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018). He work has also appeared in Focaal: European Journal of Anthropology, History and Anthropology, and other publications.
Lúcia de Fátima Socoowski de Anello
Dr. Lúcia de Fátima Socoowski de Anello is currently an associate professor at the Institute of Oceanography at the Federal University of Rio Grande - FURG. She graduated in Physical Education at the University of Caxias do Sul in 1983, has a Master in Environmental Education at the Federal University of Rio Grande (2003), and a PhD in Environmental Education at the Federal University of Rio Grande (2009). Dr. Anello works with the disciplines of Protected Areas, Environment and Development and Environmental Education with artisanal and traditional fishing communities. She has experience in the area of Education, with an emphasis on Environmental Education, working mainly on the following themes: environmental education, licensing, public policy, environmental management and critical environmental education. She works in the Postgraduate Program in Environmental Education-PPGEA guiding research for doctoral and master's degrees.
Maria Odete da Rosa Pereira
Dr. Maria Odete da Rosa Pereira is Professor of higher education at FURG, Federal University of Rio Grande (Rio Grande do Sul), didactic area, Institute of Education. Dr. Pereira has experience in undergraduate education in rural education and with fieldwork with Quilombola communities. She develops research in interdisciplinary areas, among them with fishing communities focusing on women involved in the productive chain of the fishing industry. She has experience in community environmental education projects developed as a condition for federal environmental licenses, specifically related to mitigation and compensation projects for oil and gas activities in Brazil. She graduated as a doctor in Environmental Education from PPGEA/FURG (2011) and has a degree in Pedagogy from the Early Years of Elementary Education with a focus on cross-cutting themes such as gender, ethnic and racial diversity, among others.
Clara da Rosa Pereira
Dr. Clara da Rosa Pereira has a PhD in Environmental Education (2020), a Master in Coastal Management (2013) and Degree in History (2011), by the Federal University of Rio Grande - FURG. She has experience in projects and research with artisanal and/or traditional fishing populations, in the area of coastal management and critical environmental education. Dr. Pereira also has experience in environmental education projects with women in the productive chain of artisanal fisheries, as a condition of a federal environmental license, specifically in the mitigation and compensation projects for oil and gas activities in Brazil.
Dr. Tamires Podewils
Tamires Podewils is assistant professor at the Postgraduate Program in Environmental Education, at the Federal University of Rio Grande - FURG. Professor at the Center for Political, Philosophical and Research Foundations at the Institute of Education (FURG). Chief Editor of the Electronic Magazine of the Masters in Environmental Education (REMEA). Leader of the Study Group on Emerging Philosophies (GEFE/CNPq). She has a PhD in Environmental Education (2019), a degree in Philosophy (UFPel) and a degree in Biological Sciences (FURG). Currently, Dr. Podewils works as coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Environmental Education and researcher on Social Reproduction Theory, climate change and gender, women and environmental vulnerabilities.