Intelligent Information Systems (I2S)
Research project: NORDIS

Nordic Observatory for Digital Media and Information Disorder

NORDIS (2021-2023) was one of the regional hubs of The European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), formed by researchers and fact-checkers from Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland. In NORDIS, we have developed theories, practices and models to counteract digital information disorders and empower citizens in the Nordic welfare states by enhancing their media literacy. In NORDIS, the I2S research group colaborated with the Journalism research group and faktisk.no, the Norwegian fact-checking organisation to better understand fact checker's tooling needs and to improve existing tools and techniques. We are currently negotiating our involvement in the follow-up hub NORDIS 2, starting in May 2024.

NORDIS banner
NORDIS, datalab.aau.dk

Main content

The Nordic Observatory for Digital Media and Information Disorder (NORDIS) was a consortium of researchers and fact-checkers from Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland. We are one of the national hubs of The European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO). NORDIS was funded by a grant from the European Commission, and lead by Aarhus University’s DATALAB.

The project has developed theories, practices and models that can help counteract digital information disorders – the spreading of misinformation, disinformation and other forms of harmful information online – and to help empower citizens in the Nordic welfare states to resist such information by enabling them to enhance their media literacy.

NORDIS had members from several universities and fact-checking organisations: Aarhus University (Denmark), University of Helsinki (Finland), University of Bergen (Norway), Uppsala University (Sweden), Faktisk.no (Norway), Källkritikbyrån (Sweden), TjekDet (Denmark) and Faktabaari (Finland).