Andrew David Lock's picture

Andrew David Lock

PhD Candidate
Kunstakademiet – Institutt for samtidskunst
  • E-mailandy.lock@uib.no
  • Visitor Address
    Møllendalsveien 61
    5009 Bergen
  • Postal Address
    Postboks 7800
    5020 Bergen

What does a practice look like that attends to and responds to the intervals between speech, between action, between the occupancy of a site; to the properties of a liminal space; working in sympathy with its properties; not “filling” the space or interval with something else? How is it possible to create work at a given site, which focuses the participants’ attention on the liminal features of the circumstances with which I’m working? Andy Lock’s research began with photographic and video representation and has since developed to encompass performance, installation and writing, in an attempt to explore the relationships prevailing at different sites. The relationships which it discloses and explores have been predicated on the unspoken and the unheard, and on the impact of silence on the bodies of different kinds.





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