Liselotte  Takken-Beijersbergen's picture

Liselotte Takken-Beijersbergen

Senior Engineer
  • E-mailLiselotte.Takken@uib.no
  • Phone+47 55 58 23 59
  • Visitor Address
    Realfagbygget, Allégaten 41, Bergen
  • Postal Address
    Postboks 7800
    5020 Bergen

I am a zooarchaeologist and have experience in the analysis of faunal remains dating to different periods: from the early Pleistocene up to early modern times. I became interested in mammalian palaeontology and zooarchaeology when studying archaeology at Leiden University. My PhD, carried out at the University of Bergen, dealt with the body-size variability of Holocene reindeer in Norway, reindeerr population dynamics, and dietary reconstruction based on stable isotope analysis. Since obtaining my PhD degree in 2018, I have been working as a zooarchaeologist at the natural history department of the University Museum of Bergen. My main interests lie in palaeoecology, biogeography, and in combining traditional approaches such as morphology and osteometry with newer techniques like e.g. stable isotope analysis.

  • Show author(s) (2024). Ancient DNA and osteological analyses of a unique paleo-archive reveal Early Holocene faunal expansion into the Scandinavian Arctic. Science Advances.
  • Show author(s) (2023). Reconstructing faunal diversity from the last Glacial period in northern Norway using zooarchaeology and bulk-bone metabarcoding.
  • Show author(s) (2023). Reconstructing faunal diversity from the last Glacial period in northern Norway using zooarchaeology and bulk-bone metabarcoding.
  • Show author(s) (2023). Innovative and interdisciplinary karst cave excavation of rare pre-LGM sediments in northern Norway.
  • Show author(s) (2023). Ancient DNA and osteological analyses of a unique paleo-archive reveal Early Holocene faunal expansion into the Scandinavian Arctic.
  • Show author(s) (2022). Reconstructing Late Glacial fauna in northern Norway using zooarchaeology and bulk-bone metabarcoding .
  • Show author(s) (2022). A Multi-methodological approach to identifying faunal material from Late Glacial cave deposits in northern Norway.
  • Show author(s) (2021). Temporal and spatial variability of bone collagen stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic ratios of Norwegian reindeer. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports.
  • Show author(s) (2021). New evidence for early birds in Trondheim.
  • Show author(s) (2021). Kvalar, selar og monster: Marine Lexicon.
  • Show author(s) (2019). Determining Age and Season of Death by Use of Incremental Lines in Norwegian Reindeer Tooth Cementum. Environmental Archaeology. 49-60.
  • Show author(s) (2017). What remains in middens? A comprehensive zooarchaeological study of the reindeer bones from Hardangervidda .
  • Show author(s) (2017). Heaps of fascinating fragments: reconstructing a medieval reindeer population based on bone middens from the Hardangervidda high mountain plateau, Norway. Acta Zoologica. 340-361.
  • Show author(s) (2015). The medieval reindeer population (Rangifer tarandus) from the high mountain plateau Hardangervidda, Southern Norway: work in progress. 75-81.
  • Show author(s) (2014). The Value of Early- and Non-fusing Elements in Morphometry.
  • Show author(s) (2012). Reinen på Hardangervidda.
  • Show author(s) (2012). Age determination of reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) based on postcranial elements. 10 pages.
  • Show author(s) (2011). The Reindeer from the Hardangervidda plateau, South Norway - a morphological study.
  • Show author(s) (2011). Reinen på Hardangervidda. En osteologisk studie.

More information in national current research information system (CRIStin)

Takken Beijersbergen, L. M., R. Fernandes, P. T. Mørkved, A. K. Hufthammer (2021). Temporal and spatial variability of bone collagen stable carbon andnitrogen isotopic ratios of Norwegian reindeer. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 37: 102890. 

Takken Beijersbergen, L. M. (2019). Determining Age and Season of Death by Use of Incremental Lines in Norwegian Reindeer Tooth Cementum. Environmental Archaeology 24:1, 49-60, DOI: 10.1080/14614103.2017.1394625.

Takken Beijersbergen, L. M. (2017). What remains in middens? A comprehensive zooarchaeological study of the reindeer bones from Hardangervidda. Thesis for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor at the University of Bergen. Bergen, University of Bergen.

Takken Beijersbergen, L. M. (2017). Heaps of Fascinating Fragments: Reconstructing A Medieval Reindeer Population Based on Bone Middens from The Hardangervidda High Mountain Plateau, Norway. Acta Zoologica 98: 340-361.

Takken Beijersbergen, L. M. (2015). The medieval reindeer population (Rangifer tarandus) from the high mountain plateau Hardangervidda, Southern Norway: work in progress. In: S. Indrelid, K. Loe Hjelle and K. Stene (eds.): Exploitation of outfield resources - Joint research at the University Museums of Norway. Universitetsmuseet i Bergen skrifter nr. 32. Bergen, University Museum, University of Bergen: 75-81.

Takken Beijersbergen, L.M. & A.K. Hufthammer (2012). Age determination of reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) based on postcranial elements, in: D.C.M. Raemaekers, E. Esser, R.C.G.M. Lauwerier & J.T. Zeiler: A bouquet of archaeozoological studies, Groningen Archaeological Studies 21, 11-20.

Takken Beijersbergen, L.M.,2009: Collectie Becking, inventarisatie botmateriaal, Hazenberg AMZ Publicaties 2009-14, Leiden.

Takken Beijersbergen, L.M., et al, 2008: Toelichting op de Archeologische Waarden- en Verwachtingskaart Leiderdorp, Hazenberg AMZ Publicaties 2008-19, Leiden.

Takken Beijersbergen, L.M. & G.H.J. Langejans, 2008: De Groene Kamers, STP-Rozendaal. Bureauonderzoek archeologische waarden, Hazenberg AMZ Publicaties 2008-17, Leiden.

Oort, H.J. van & L.M. Takken Beijersbergen, 2008: Zoetwatervoorziening Voorne-Putten. Archeologisch bureauonderzoek tracé Bernisse-Hellevoetsluis, Hazenberg AMZ Publicaties 2008-04, Leiden.

Takken Beijersbergen, L.M., R.A. Houkes & M. van Dasselaar,2007: Gouda vuilcontainers binnenstad. Bureauonderzoek archeologische waarden, Hazenberg AMZ Publicaties 2007-12, Leiden.

Houkes, R.A. & L.M. Takken Beijersbergen, 2007: Amsterdam-Noord: Twiske Zuid. Bureauonderzoek archeologische waarden, Hazenberg AMZ Publicaties 2007-10, Leiden.

Borsboom, A.J. & L.M. Takken Beijersbergen, 2007: Plangebied Fluitpolderplein Gemeente Leidschendam-Voorburg. Bureauonderzoek en inventariserend veldonderzoek (karterende fase), Hazenberg AMZ Publicaties 2007-07, Leiden.

Dütting, M.K. & L.M. Takken Beijersbergen, 2007: Gouda vuilcontainers. Bureauonderzoek Archeologische Waarden, Hazenberg AMZ Publicaties 2007-05, Leiden.

Takken Beijersbergen, L.M., 2006: The Middle Pleistocene Lemmus (Arvicolidae, Rodentia, Mammalia) in North-western Europe, Courier Forsch.- Inst. Senckenberg 256, Frankfurt, p. 173-192.

Kolfschoten, T. van & L. Takken, 2004: Zandmaas: proefproject 2 bij Swalmen-Beesel uitgevoerd in het kader van de rivierverruiming van de Maas. Rapportage archeologisch-paleontologisch onderzoek, AMZ-projekt 'Behoud en onderzoek in het Maasdal in het kader van de Maaswerken en de Via Limburg' 3, Maastricht De Maaswerken, Bureau Kennis.

Takken, L. et al., 2002: Een vuistbijl van de Vrakelberg, Archeologie in Limburg 90, 11-14.

Marine Lexicon

Working with an international, interdisciplinary team from the University of Lisbon and NIFU, and funded by EEA Grants and CHAM, the Marine Lexicon project aims to construct a thesaurus containing the (common) names for marine mammals in different languages. Additionally, we will create a list of place names related to the exploitation of marine mammals, make an inventory of archaeological sites featuring bones of marine mammals, and list mythical creatures that originate in marine fauna. Click here to visit the website for the project, or here for a Norwegian presentation of the project. The website for the lexicon was launched on 20th May 2021. Although far from complete (we will add data continuously), it is definitely worth a visit.


The EvoCave project aims to reconstruct the last interglacial climate and faunal ecosystem in northern Europe by excavating and analysing the sediments and fossils from a cave in Northern Norway dated up to 122 ka.