Sadie Hale's picture

Sadie Hale

PhD Candidate
  • E-mailsadie.hale@uib.no
  • Visitor Address
    Fosswinckels gate 6
    Lauritz Meltzers hus
    5007 Bergen
  • Postal Address
    Postboks 7802
    5020 Bergen

PhD candidate with the SEATIMES Project at UiB. My interdisciplinary research investigates human-whale relations (specifically whale watching and whaling) and cetacean cultural significance in different locales: São Miguel, Azores, and Andenes and Skjervøy, in Arctic Norway.

My MA research on Greenland sharks and basking sharks resulted in the artistic collaboration Cairban: A Contemporary Shark Hunt, which has been showcased in Amsterdam and Bergen. 

Academic lecture
  • Show author(s) (2023). Whales as anthropological subject in Arctic Norway - a conversa<tion.

More information in national current research information system (CRIStin)

Peer-reviewed publications

Public scholarship & other academic writing

Public exhibitions

  • CAIRBAN: A contemporary shark hunt.” (2021-2023) Bergen University Museum whale hall & Looiersgracht 60, Amsterdam. In collaboration with visual artist Miriam Sentler.