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Sören Koch

Professor, Dr. jur., PhD Bergen, Head of the Research Group for Legal Culture, Legal History and Comparative Law
  • E-mailsoren.koch@uib.no
  • Phone+47 55 58 95 37+4795984843
  • Visitor Address
    Magnus Lagabøteplass 1
  • Postal Address
    Postboks 7806
    5020 Bergen

Comparative law and legal cultural studies:  

Rights of Nature in the Norwegian legal Culture 

Climate change litigation and its impact on legal cultures  

Assisted dying - regulation of assisted suicide domestically and internationally

Comparing Legal Methods

Methodology of comparative law

Comparative legal History


Legal historical research

Natural Law in the 18th and 19th century (ed. Marius Mikkel Kjølstad)

Legal historical studies of Hanseatic and Norwegian Law (in cooperation with prof. Geir Atle Ersland and Stadtarkiv i Lübeck)

Pluralistic governance of the Hanse - cooperation with the University of Hamburg, Oxford, Tartu, Bergen, Oslo, Frankfurt and Amsterdam

The legal and social standing of Women at the Hanseatic Kontor - Cooperation with European Hanse Museum in Lübeck, Hanse Museum in Bergen, HF/Juss

Creatively compiling the Law: Re-creating legal Authority in early modern Denmark-Norway and Scotland (cooperation University of Aberdeen). 

Hugo Grotius influence on the legal doctrine of the 16th and 17th centuries (Leuven)

Urbane property structures (cooperation with HVL, HF)

Regulating timber trade in Western Norway in the 16th til 18th century (as part of the Norwegian-Scottish history research network).

Rettslig regulering av Pomorhandel in Northern Norway. 



Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - FAZ - Einspruch November 2019


Digital publication:  Sören Koch, Innsikt juridica, Universitetsforlaget 3. juni 2021: https://juridika.no/innsikt/den-tyske-klimadommen

Blogg: Britisch Association of Comparative Law 28.febr. 2021:  Comparing Legal Cultures 2nd ed 2020 by Sören Koch


UiB-Innsikt 11. December 2021: The Kontor in Bergen - a legal history (en rettshistorie)

Short film- Christian the V's Norwegian Code - Cooperation with Spesial Collection at the UiB-Libary (Gina Dahl)


My undergraduates/postgraduates courses

1. Exploring the Norwegian Legal Culture (non-mandatory introductory course for undergraduate students, ERASMUS) until 2022

2. JUS 290-2-A Comparing Legal Cultures in Europe (International and domestic masterscourse) from 2024 JUS 2320

3. JUS 134 Rettskultur, rettshistorie og komparativ rett (Legal Culture, Legal History and Comparative Law) from 2024 JUS 232

4. JUS 134 V-18 KINA - Legal Culture, Legal History and Comparative Law with a special focus on China (paused)

5. JUS 397 - Research Line - master course 70 ECTS 

6. JUS 297-2-A Comparative European Constitutional Law

7. JUS 233 Comparative law (from 2024)


5. JUS 121 NIRI (National and International legal Institutions) until 2019

6. JUS 399 Masteroppgaver (Master-studies)

7. JUS 397 Research-line (forskerlinje)

External teaching:

Lecturer, Western Legal Cultures, INN, Lillehammer, Norway

Teacher, Research-line (forskerlinje), University of Tromsø, Norway

Teacher, honours course (European Legal History), Universität Bonn, Germany

Teacher, undergraduate course (Comparative Law), Universitet i Tromsø, Norway

Teacher, honours course (Comparative Law), Universitas Autonomá Madrid (UAM), Spain

Teacher, honours course (European Legal History) and ordinary undergraduate course (Introduction to Comparative law), (LLM-course) Dissertation Management, School of Law, University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom

Teacher, masters course (European Legal History), University of Zürich, Switzerland

Academic lecture
  • Show author(s) (2023). Pluralistic governance: researching Hanse cooperation beyond classical concepts of “nation-state”: The case of the Bergen Kontor.
  • Show author(s) (2023). Nye undervisningsformer i rettshistorie i Norden, en komparativ analyse .
  • Show author(s) (2023). Concluding remarks on the Conference: Nordic Legal Culture: Myth or Reality?
  • Show author(s) (2021). Regulering av aktiv dødshjelp i lys av nyere internasjonale utviklinger.
  • Show author(s) (2021). Interdisciplinary comparative analysis - a lesson to learn from comparative law.
  • Show author(s) (2021). Hanseatiske rettsprotokoller - en glemte spor fra fortiden.
  • Show author(s) (2019). “Creatively plundering the law – Ludvig Holberg’s compilation of Pufendorf’s natural law”.
  • Show author(s) (2019). The German legal Culture in a nutshell .
  • Show author(s) (2019). Some thought on legal compilation - methodological approaches and their challenges.
  • Show author(s) (2019). Legal compilation - exploring historical and comparative dimensions.
  • Show author(s) (2019). Compilations in Nordic legal History .
  • Show author(s) (2019). Comparative legal method - a contextual approach based on an operationalised concept of legal culture.
  • Show author(s) (2018). Panteretten historiske utvikling i tidlig nytid. .
  • Show author(s) (2018). Opening lecture - the history of commercial law today.
  • Show author(s) (2018). Kompilasjon som undervurdert fenomen i norsk, nordisk og internasjonal rettshistorie .
  • Show author(s) (2018). Hanseatischer Einfluss auf das norwegische Recht im 16. Jahrhunderts – Am Beispiel des Kreditsicherungsrechts.
  • Show author(s) (2018). Hanseatic impact on credit-security law in Norway.
  • Show author(s) (2017). Vielfalt rechtsgeschichtlicher Forschung.
  • Show author(s) (2017). Reformajon og rett – fravær av debatten om en konstitusjonelt forankret rett til motstand i Norge .
  • Show author(s) (2017). Legal compilation in the 18th century.
  • Show author(s) (2017). Holberg som kristen jurist.
  • Show author(s) (2017). Diversity in European Legal Cultures - moderation.
  • Show author(s) (2016). Right to resistance and the reformation.
  • Show author(s) (2016). Heineccius og Holberg - to opplysningsforfattere og kompilister.
  • Show author(s) (2015). Legal Culture as a framework for legal comparison.
  • Show author(s) (2015). Holberg og Pufendorf.
  • Show author(s) (2015). Forholdet mellom naturretten og dansk/norsk lov om kontrakter i naturrettslitteraturen på 1700-tallet.
  • Show author(s) (2015). Appellens funksjon ved overgang fra en horisontal til en vertikal domstolsstruktur.
  • Show author(s) (2014). Presentasjon av avhandlingsutkast: En naturlig rettsordning for det dansk-norske kongeriket. En rettshistorisk analyse av Ludvig Holbergs lærebok i natur- og folkerett.
  • Show author(s) (2014). Norwegian Appellate Courts from Medieval Times to Modern Times.
  • Show author(s) (2013). Rechtsanwendung ohne System? Norwegens juristische Methodenlehre.
  • Show author(s) (2012). Predictability in Norwegian and German law, including the role of case-law in legal argumentation.
  • Show author(s) (2012). Norwegens Grunnlov - eine historische Einführung.
  • Show author(s) (2012). An operationalised concept of legal culture.
  • Show author(s) (2011). Introduction to Norwegian and German legal method from a comparative perspective: Similarities and differences, their reasons and consequences.
  • Show author(s) (2010). Erstatning for bortkastede utgifter etter norsk rett.
  • Show author(s) (2010). Die Haftung des Nothelfers - eine rechtsvergleichende Studie.
  • Show author(s) (2009). Det tyske skadebegrepet.

More information in national current research information system (CRIStin)



2024    Koch Sören, Hvem som eier livet? Et rettshistorisk og rettskomparativ bidrag til debatten om medvirkning til selvvalgt livsavslutning, Fagbokforlaget 2024

2015    Koch, Sören. En naturlig rettsorden for det dansk-norske kongeriket - En rettshistorisk analyse av Ludvig Holbergs lærebok i natur- og folkerett. 498 sider. ISBN: 978-82-308-3491-6.

2011    Koch, Sören. Unaufgeforderte Hilfeleistung in Notsituationen, eine rechtshistorische und rechtsvergleichende Studie zu den zivilrechtlichen Aspekten der Nothilfe mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Rechts der Geschäftsführung ohne Auftrag. Peter Lang Publishing Group. p. 412 sider. ISBN: 978-3-631-63007-5.

2011    Koch, Sören. Der Ersatz frustrierter Aufwendungen im norwegischen Recht. Peter Lang Publishing Group. 164 p. ISBN: 978-3-631-61733-5.


Edited volumes of collected papers:

2024 Koch, Sören Jørn Øyrehagen Sunde (eds), Comparing Legal Cultures in Europe, Fagbokforlaget. 

2024 Koch, Sören, Ulla Kypta, Johann Ruben Leiss, Stefan Oeter and Merike Ristikivi (eds), Hanse and International Law - Governance dimensions, Springer Nature. 

2023    Koch, Sören and Marius Mikkel Kjølstad (eds). Springer Handbook of Legal Cultures, A selection of the world's legal cultures, 1st ed., Springer Nature, 978-3-031-27744-3.

2020    Koch, Sören; Jørn Øyrehagen Sunde (eds) Comparing Legal Cultures – Revised and expanded 2nd edition Fagbogforlag, 803 pages. ISBN: 978-82-450-2091-6.

2017    Koch, Sören; Skodvin, Knut Einar; Sunde, Jørn Øyrehagen (eds). Comparing Legal Cultures. Fagbokforlaget. 358 pages. ISBN: 978-82-450-2091-5

2014    Koch, Sören; Helland, Ingvill (ed). Nordic and Germanic Legal Methods. Mohr Siebeck. 461 pages. ISBN: 978-3-16-153062-3.


Articles in scientific journals and volumes of collected papers:

Work in progress: 

2024 Koch, Sören, "Skillet mellom privat- og offentlig rett i norsk jussundervisning på første halvdel av 1800-tallet, in Marius Mikkel Kjøstad (ed.), Naturrett etter 1814 - en oversett tradisjon?, Pax (forthcoming). 

2024 Koch, Sören, „How to teach comparative law – a new approach based on interactive learning strategies”, Rabel Journal for Comparative Law (forthcoming 12 p.)

2024 Koch, Sören, "Die Neuvermessung des Bergener Kontors - Erik Rosenkrantz Rechtsstreit mit dem Deutschen Kaufmann zu Bergen (1561)", in The Hanseatic History Review, vol 141 (2023) (forthcoming) 16 p.


Reviewed and accepted: 

2024 Koch, Sören, The case of Christoff Blumenthal - Ius Commune in the Court Practice of the Hanseatic Kontor in Bergen, in Heikki Pihlajamäki (ed.), Ius Commune and Borders, Borders of Ius Commune, Routledge (forthcoming). 

2024 Koch, Sören and Geir Atle Ersland, "The origin and exercise of self-governance and internal jurisdiction of the Hanseatic Contor in Bergen", in The Hanseatic History Review, HGBl. Vol. 142 (forthcoming). 

2024 Koch, Sören, '"Livet er et uavhendelig gode" - Norsk regulering av medvirkning til selvvalgt livsavslutning i lys av internasjonale utviklinger', Tidskrift for Rettsvitenskap (forthcoming).

2023 Koch Sören, Esmeralda Colombo and Catalina Vallejo Piedrahíta, Rights of Nature in Norway, in Ralf Michaels (ed.), Rights of Nature a Comparative Study - XIV International Congress of Comparative Law, Intersentia 2023 (forthcoming). 


2023 Koch, Sören, Om den praktiske bruken av "naturretten", i Gunnstein Akselberg (ed.), Holberg...

2023 Koch Sören, Review: Andreas Harald Aure, Ludvig Holberg Rettskunnskap, Vidarforlaget 2021, 463 p., in 1700-tal: Nordic Journal for 18th-century studies, vol 20, 2023 pp.

2023 Koch, Sören, Review Jan Schröder, Recht als Wissenschaft, 3rd edition, 2020 C.H. Beck, Legal History Review, Vol. 89 (2) pp. 

2023 Koch, Sören and Kjølstad, Marius Mikkel, Legal Culture - diversity and structure, in idem. (eds), Springer Handbook for Legal Cultures, Springer Nature 978-3-031-27744-3.

2023 Koch Sören, "Norway", in Jan Smits (ed.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, 3rd ed. Edvard Elgar Publishing 2023, pp. 110-119. 

2023 Koch, Sören, "Norm and Fact – timber trade in the early modern Western Norway (1530-1730)Norm and Fact – timber trade in the early modern Western Norway (1530-1730), in A. R. Simpson and Jørn Øyrehagen Sunde (ed.), Scottish and Norwegian relations and commonalities, Edinburgh University Press, ISBN 978-1-3995-0383-3. 

2022 Sören Koch, Esmeralda Colombo, and Catalina Vallejo Piedrahíta. "Derechos de la naturaleza en la cultura jurídica noruega: ser o no ser?". Naturaleza y Sociedad. Desafíos Medioambientales, no. 4 (2022): https://doi.org/10.53010/nys4.06

2022 Koch, Sören, Ulla Krypta and Johann Ruben Leiss, 'Pluralisische Governance: Die Erforschung hanseatischer Kooperation jenseits von klassischen Staatskonzepten', The Hanseatic History Review /Hanseatische Geschichtsblätter (HGBl. Vol. 140), pp. 59-90. 

2022 Review: Valasakis, Manuel: Effektivität und Zukunft der deutschen Zivilgerichtsbarkeit. Ein Vergleich mit der Konfliktbeilegung in Norwegen, Regensburg 2021, Rabel Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht, The Rabel Journal of Comparative and International Law, Vol. 86 (2) pp. 530-535. 

2021    Koch, Sören, “Legal compilation in early modern Denmark and Norway – creatively recycling the law”, in Kjell Åke Modéer (ed.), Legal History: Reflecting the Past and the Present, Olin Foundation ISBN 978-91-86645-15-1, pp. 198-229.

2020    Koch, Sören, Grotius’ Impact on the Scandinavian Theory of Contract Law, Grotiania 41 (2020) 59-87 (Brill) doi:10.1163/18760759-04101004

2020 Koch, Sören,  “An Introduction to German Legal Culture”, in: S. Koch et al. (eds), Comparing Legal Cultures, – Revised and expanded 2nd edition Fagbogforlag, p. 221-267.  ISBN: 978-82-450-2091-6

2020    Koch, Sören, Marius Mikkel Kjølstad, Jørn Øyrehagen Sunde, “The Norwegian Legal Culture”, in S. Koch et al. (eds), Comparing Legal Cultures, – Revised and expanded 2nd edition Fagbogforlag, p. 105-148.  ISBN: 978-82-450-2091-6.

2020    Koch, Sören, “The Outset, learning to sail the ocean of legal cultures” in S. Koch et al. (eds), Comparing Legal Cultures, – Revised and expanded 2nd edition Fagbogforlag, p. 17-22.  ISBN: 978-82-450-2091-6.

2020    Koch, Sören, “Legal Culture and Comparative Law, ” in S. Koch et al. (eds), Comparing Legal Cultures, – Revised and expanded 2nd edition Fagbogforlag, p. 41-68.  ISBN: 978-82-450-2091-6.

2020    Koch, Sören, “From Mapping to Navigation – A COMPASS-formula for conducting Comparative Analysis” in S. Koch et al. (eds), Comparing Legal Cultures – Revised and expanded 2nd edition Fagbogforlag, p. 71-103 ISBN: 978-82-450-2091-6.  

2020    Koch, Sören, “Sailing – Analysing the Ideals of Justice in Germany, England and Norway”, in S. Koch et al. (eds), Comparing Legal Cultures – Revised and expanded 2nd edition Fagbogforlag, ISBN: 978-82-450-2091-6, 783- 802.

2020    Koch, Sören, Anna Klimazewska and Anna Machnikowska“Introduction to the Legal Culture of Poland, in S. Koch et al. (eds), Comparing Legal Cultures, – Revised and expanded 2nd edition Fagbogforlag, pp. 273-330 ISBN: 978-82-450-2091-6, 783- 802.

2020    Koch, Sören and Kristjan Mejrup,”The Enlightenment”, in Kjell Åke Modeer and John Witte, Law and The Christian Tradition in Scandinavia. The Writings of Great Nordic Jurists, Routledge, (Oct. 9th) pp. 153- 161. ISBN 978-0367-85824-7

2020    Koch, Sören, ”Natural Law and the struggle with pietism in eighteenth-century Denmark-Norway - Ludvig Holberg (1684-1754)”, in Kjell Åke Modeer and John Witte, Law and The Christian Tradition in Scandinavia. The Writings of Great Nordic Jurists, Routledge, (Oct. 9th) pp. 162-179. ISBN 978-0367-85824-7

2020    Koch, Sören, “Konfliktlösung in West-Skandinavien.“ in: W. Decock (Hrsg.), Konfliktlösung in der Frühen Neuzeit, Handbuch zur Geschichte der Konfliktlösung in Europa 3, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-56102-7_50 ISBN: 978- 3-662-56101-0;

2019    Koch, Sören, ”Frederic Carpenter Ljungqvist, Lagfäst Kungamakt under Högmedeltiden– en komparativ internordisk studie”, in Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap, Vol. 132/1 2019 p. 78-83; DOI: 10.18261/issn.1504-3096-2019-01-05.

2019    Koch, Sören, “Den ‘moderne resepsjonen’ - Internasjonaliseringen i undervisning og forskning mellom 1969 og 2003”, in Johan Giertsen (ed.), Bergens juridiske fakultet i 50 år, Fagbokforlaget, pp. 59-79, ISBN 978-82-450-2794-5.

2018    Koch, Sören, “Courts of Appeal in Norway”, in: Kjell Å Modéer and Martin Sunnqvist (eds.), Suum Cuique Tribuere. Legal Contexts, Judicial Archetypes and Deep-Structures regarding Courts of Appeal and Judiciaries from Early Modern to Late Modern Europe, Institutet för Rättshistorisk Forskning, p. 279-312,  ISBN 978-91-86645-11-3.

2017    Koch, Sören,  “An Introduction to German Legal Culture”, in: Koch, Søren; Skodvin, Knut Einar; Sunde, Jørn Øyrehagen. Comparing Legal Cultures. Fagbokforlaget, p 171-202. ISBN: 978-82-450-2091-5.

2017    Koch, Sören, “Peter Høilund: Naturret som samfundskritik.” Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap.Vol 130: p. 115-121. doi: 10.18261/issn.1504-3096-2017-01-08

2016    Koch, Sören, ”Jus naturae methodo scientifica pertractatum (Natural Law considered according to the Scientific Method) 1740-1748 Christian Freiherr VON WOLFF (1679-1754)” in Martyn, Georges.  The Formation and Transmission of Western Legal Culture, Books that made the Law in the Western World. Springer Publishing Company. Nr. 81, p. 227-231. ISBN: 978-3-319-45564-8.

2016    Koch, Sören, ”Moralske Kierne eller Introduction til Naturens- og Folkerettens Kundskab, 1716, Ludvig Holberg (1684-1754)” in Martyn, Georges.  The Formation and Transmission of Western Legal Culture, Books that made the Law in the Western World. Springer Publishing Company, Nr. 78, p. 249-252. ISBN: 978-3-319-45564-8.

2016    Koch, Sören. “Andreas Aure, The right to wage war (jus ad bellum): the German reception of Grotius 50 years after De iure belli ac pacis.” Comparative Legal History/ Hart Publishing, Oxford, p. 1-9. published 2016-10-20.doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/2049677X.2016.1245043

2016    Koch, Sören. “Løfte og aksept - Naturrettens innflytelse på fortolkningen av NL 5-1-1 og 5-1-2 på 1700-tallet.” Tidsskrift for rettsvitenskap. Vol 129: p. 337-371. doi: 10.18261/issn.1504-3096-2016-04-01

2015    Koch, Sören, Consequences of changing expectations to law and its institutions Illustrated by the role and background of judges in Norway. 83 Legal History Review. p 461-486. doi: 10.1163/15718190-08334p06

2015    Koch, Sören, “Feras Gisawi, Der Grundsatz der Totalreparation, Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck 2015, 299 Seiten.” Forum Historiae Iuris. Publisert 2015-12-10.

2014    Koch, Sören; Helland, Ingvill. “Comparing legal Methods – an Analytical Framework” in I. Helland and S. Koch, Nordic and Germanic Legal Methods, Mohr Siebeck, p. 1-19.

2014    Koch, Sören; Helland, Ingvill. “International Influences in Norwegian Legal Method” in I. Helland and S. Koch, Nordic and Germanic Legal Methods, Mohr Siebeck, pp 344-368.

2014    Koch, Sören; Helland, Ingvill. “Norwegian and German Legal Methods Compared: Similarities and Differences, their Reasons and Consequences”, in me. Helland and S. Koch, Nordic and Germanic Legal Methods, Mohr Siebeck. pp 267-324.

2014    Koch, Sören; Helland, Ingvill. “Introduction to Norwegian Legal Method”, in I. Helland and S. Koch, Nordic and Germanic Legal Methods, Mohr Siebeck pp. 99-140.

2013    Koch, Sören; Helland, Ingvill. “Methodischen Grundlagen der juristischen Entscheidungsfindung im norwegischen Recht“, Zeitschrift für Europäische Privatrecht (ZEuP) p. 585 – 618.

2013    Koch, Sören. „Nødverge i erstatningsretten - en analyse med utgangspunkt i Rt. 2012 s. 5”, Tidsskrift for erstatningsrett, forsikringsrett og velferdsrett. 10 p. 6-25.

2013    Koch, Sören. “Wettbewerbsrechtliche Implikationen beim ärztlichen Internetauftritt. Ist die Werbung mit Manueller Medizin/Osteopathie ein Wettbewerbsverstoss?”, Manuelle Medizin. 51: 58-64.

2012    Koch, Sören. “Holbergs naturrett sett fra et funksjonalt perspektiv.” In: Sejersted, Jørgen Magnus and Vinje, Eiliv. 2012. Ludvig Holbergs naturrett. Gyldendal Akademisk, p 78-95 ISBN: 9788205426061.

2012    Koch, Sören, “Erstatning for bortkastede utgifter”, Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap Vol. 125/5, p. 581-636.

2011    Koch, Sören, “Det erstatningsrettslige skadebegrepet - en sammenligning mellom tysk og norsk rett”, Tidsskrift for erstatningsrett, forsikringsrett og velferdsrett 7 p. 250-281.


Legal compilation in early modern Norway and Scotland (international, multidisciplinary and multidimensional research-cooperation between Bergen, Aberdeen, Oslo, Edinburgh, Oxford, Madrid, Frankfurt am Main and Vienna).

Urban property structures (cooperation with HVL/HF)

Digitalisation and Exploration of the court roles of the Hanseatic Contor in Bergen (interdisciplinary and international cooperation)

Hanseatic research meets international law: cooperation between University of Hamburg, University of Bergen, University of Tartu, University of Lund, University of Amsterdam and University of Frankfurt. 

Instructor at the international and interdisciplinary reseach school 'Authoritative Texts and their Reception' (UiO, UiT,UiB)

Research group 'Form 1700' (UiB/HF)

Researchgroup 'Religion and Litterature'