2018 Publications
Main content
Albuquerque, F., Benito, B.M., Macias Rodriguez, M.A. & Gray, C. (2018) Potential changes in the distribution of Carnegiea gigantea under future scenarios. PeerJ 6: e5623. 10.7717/peerj.5623
Al-Sabouni, N., Fenton, I.S., Telford, R.J. & Kucera, M. (2018) Reproducibility of species recognition in modern planktonic foraminifera and its implications for analyses of community structure. Journal of Micropalaeontology 37: 519-534. 10.5194/jm-37-519-2018
Althuizen, I.H.J., Lee, H., Sarneel, J.M. & Vandvik, V. (2018) Long-term climate regime modulated the impact of short-term climate variability on decomposition in alpine grassland soils. Ecosystems 21: 1580-1592. 10.1007/s10021-018-0241-5
Antonelli, A., Kissling, W.D., Flantua, S.G.A., Bermúdez, M.A., Mulch, A., Muellner-Riehl, A., Kreft, H., Linder, H.P., Badgley, C., Fjeldsa, J., Fritz, S.A., Rahbek, C., Herman, F., Hooghiemstra, H. & Hoorn, C. (2018) Geological and climatic influences on mountain biodiversity. Nature Geoscience 11: 718-725. 10.1038/s41561-018-0236-z
Bell, B.A., Fletcher, W.J., Ryan, P., Seddon, A.W.R., Wogelius, R.A. & Ilmen, R. (2018) UV-B-absorbing compounds in modern Cedrus atlantica pollen: the potential for a summer UV-B proxy for northwest Africa. The Holocene 28: 1382-1394. 10.1177/0959683618777072
Bhatta, K.P., Grytnes, J.-A. & Vetaas, O.R. (2018) Downhill shift of alpine plant assemblages under contemporary climate and land-use changes. Ecosphere 9: e02084. 10.1002/ecs2.2084
Bhatta, K.P., Grytnes, J.-A. & Vetaas, O.R. (2018) Scale sensitivity of the relationship between alpha and gamma diversity along an alpine elevation gradient in central Nepal. Journal of Biogeography 45: 804-814. 10.1111/jbi.13188
Birks, H.J.B. (2018) Michael Charles Faraday Proctor 1929–2017. Bulletin of the British Ecological Society 49: 58-59.
Birks, H.J.B. & Berglund, B.E. (2018) One hundred years of Quaternary pollen analysis 1916-2016. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 27: 271-309. 10.1007/s00334-017-0630-2
Birks, H.J.B. & Birks, H.H. (2018) Michael Proctor (1929-2017). BSBI News 138: 66-70.
Bouchet, V.M.P., Telford, R.J., Rygg, B., Oug, E. & Alve, E. (2018) Can benthic foraminifera serve as proxies for changes in benthic macrofaunal community structure? Implications for the definition of reference conditions. Marine Environmental Research 137: 24-36. 10.1016/j.marenvres.2018.02.023
Cui, H., Töpper, J.P., Yang, Y., Vandvik, V. & Wang, G.X. (2018) Plastic population effects and conservative leaf traits in a reciprocal transplant experiment simulating climate warming in the Himalaya. Frontiers in Plant Science 9: 1069. 10.3389/fpls.2018.01069
Czortek, P., Eycott, A.E., Grytnes, J.-A., Delimat, A., Kapfer, J. & Jaroszewicz, B. (2018) Effects of grazing abandonment and climate change on mountain summits flora: a case study in the Tatra Mts. Plant Ecology 19: 261-276. 10.1007/s11258-018-0794-6
Czortek, P., Kapfer, J., Delimat, A., Eycott, A.E., Grytnes, J.-A., Orczewska, A., Ratyńska, H., Zięba, A. & Jaroszewicz, B. (2018) Plant species composition shifts in the Tatra Mts as a response to environmental change: a resurvey study after 90 years. Folia Geobotanica 53: 333-348. 10.1007/s12224-018-9312-9
Delnevo, N., Petraglia, A., Carbognani, M., Vandvik, V. & Halbritter, A.H. (2018) Plastic and genetic responses to shifts in snowmelt time affects the reproductive phenology and growth of Ranunculus acris. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 30: 62-70. 10.1016/j.ppees.2017.07.005
Dengler, J., Wagner, V., and 178 co-authors including Felde, V.A. & Grytnes, J.-A. (2018) GrassPlot – a database of multi-scale plant diversity in Palaearctic grasslands. Phytocoenologia 48: 331-347. 10.1127/phyto/2018/0267
DiCarlo, J., Epstein, K., Marsh, R. & Måren, I.E. (2018) Post-disaster agricultural transitions in Nepal. Ambio 47: 794-805. 10.1007/s13280-018-1021-3
Elbakidze, M., Hahn, T., Zimmermann, N.E. & 16 co-authors including Vandvik, V. (2018) Direct and indirect drivers of change in biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people. In: Fischer, M. et al. Summary for policymakers of the regional assessment on biodiversity and ecosystem services for Europe and Central Asia of IPBES. IPBES Secretariat, pp. 549-809.
Epstein, K., DiCarlo, J., Marsh, R., Adhikari, B., Paudel, D., Ray. I. & Måren, I.E. (2018) Recovery and adaptation after the 2015 Nepal earthquakes: a smallholder household perspective. Ecology and Society 23: a29. 10.5751/ES-09909-230129
Evju, M., Nybø, S., Framstad, E., Lyngstad, A., Sickel, H., Sverdrup-Thygeson, A., Vandvik, V., Velle, L.G. & Aarestad, P.A. (2018) Arealrepresentativ overvåking av terrestriske naturtyper. Indikatorer for økologisk tilstand. Rapport, 53 pp.
Felde, V.A., Grytnes, J.-A., Bjune, A.E., Peglar, S.M. & Birks, H.J.B. (2018) Are diversity trends in western Scandinavia influenced by post-glacial dispersal limitation? Journal of Vegetation Science 29: 360-3701. 10.1111/jvs.12569
Finsinger, W., Fevre, J., Orbán, I., Pál, I., Vincze, I., Hubay, K., Birks, H.H., Braun, M., Tóth, M. & Magyari, E. (2018) Holocene fire-regime changes near the tree-line in the Retezat Mts. (Southern Carpathians, Romania). Quaternary International 477: 94-105. 10.1016/j.quaint.2016.04.029
Fjordheim, K., Moen, A., Hjelle, K.L., Bjune, A.E. & Birks, H.H. (2018) Modern pollen-vegetation relationships in traditionally mown and unmanaged boreal rich-fen communities in central Norway. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 251: 14-27. 10.1016/j.revpalbo.2018.01.001
Gaillard, M.-J., Berglund, B.E., Birks, H.J.B., Edwards, K.J. & Bitman, F. (2018) Editorial "Think horizontally, act vertically": the centenary (1916-2016) of pollen analysis and the legacy of Lennart von Post. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 27: 267-269. 10.1007/s00334-017-0656-5
Gaillard, M.-J., Berglund, B.E., Birks, H.J.B., Edwards, K.J. & Bitman, F. (eds) (2018) "Think horizontally, act vertically": the centenary (1916-2016) of pollen analysis and the legacy of Lennart von Post. Special Issue. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 27.
Gjerde, I., Grytnes, J.-A., Heegaard, E., Sætersdal, M. & Tingstad, L. (2018) Red List updates and the robustness of sites selected for conservation of red-listed species. Global Ecology and Conservation 16: e00454. 10.1016/j.gecco.2018.e00454
Graae, B.J., Vandvik, V., Armbruster, W.S., Eiserhardt, W.L., Svenning, J.-C., Hylander, K., Ehrlén, J., Speed, J.D.M., Klanderud, K., Bråthen, K.A., Milbau, A., Opedal, Ø.H., Alsos, I.G., Ejrnæs, R., Bruun, H.H., Birks, H.J.B., Westergaard, K.B., Birks. H.H. & Lenoir, J. (2018) Stay or go - how topographic complexity influences alpine plant population and community responses to climate change. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 30. 41-50. 10.1016/j.ppees.2017.09.008
Halbritter, A.H., Fior, S., Keller, I., Billeter, R., Edwards, P.J., Holderegger, R., Karrenberg, S., Pluess, A.R., Widmer, A. & Alexander, J.M. (2018) Trait differentiation and adaptation of plants along elevation gradients. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 31: 784-800. 10.1111/jeb.13262
Henn, J.J., Buzzard, V., Enquist, B.J., Halbritter, A.H., Klanderud, K., Maitner, B.S., Michaletz, S.T., Pötsch, C., Seltzer, L. Telford, R.J., Yang, Y., Zhang, L. & Vandvik, V. (2018) Intraspecific trait variation and phenotypic plasticity mediate alpine plant species response to climate change. Frontiers in Plant Science 9: 01548. 10.3389/fpls.2018.01548
Hjelle, K.L. & Kvamme, M. (2018) Environmental management with livestock. In: Lopez Varela, S.L. (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Archaeological Sciences. John Wiley & Sons. 10.1002/9781119188230.saseas0217
Hjelle, K.L., Halvorsen, L.S., Prøsch-Danielsen, L., Sugita, S., Paus, A., Kaland, P.E., Mehl, I.K., Overland, A., Danielsen, R., Høeg, H.I. & Midtbø, I. (2018) Long-term changes in regional vegetation cover along the west coast of southern Norway: the importance of human impact. Journal of Vegetation Science 29: 404-415. 10.1111/jvs.12626
Hole, T.N. (2018) Working and learning in a field excursion. CBE - Life Sciences Education 17: a24. 10.1187/cbe.17-08-0185
Hole, T.N., Velle, G., Riese, H., Raaheim, A. & Simonelli, A.L. (2018) Biology students at work: using blogs to investigate personal epistemologies. Cogent Education 5: 1563026. 10.1080/2331186X.2018.1563026
Hooghiemstra, H. & Birks, H.J.B. (2018) Obituary Willem van Zeist: 12 March 1924 - 7 October 2016. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 249: 87-92. 10.1016/j.revpalbo.2017.10.001
Hubay, K., Molnár, M., Orbán, I., Braun, M., Bíró, T. & Magyari, E. (2018) Age-depth relationship and accumulation rates in four sediment sequences from the Retezat Mts, South Carpathians (Romania). Quaternary International 477: 7-18. 10.1016/j.quaint.2016.09.019
Jeno, L.M., Adachi, P.J.C., Grytnes, J.-A., Vandvik, V. & Deci, E.L. (2018) The effects of m-learning on motivation, achievement and well-being: A Self-Determination Theory approach. British Journal of Educational Technology 10.1111/bjet.12657
Kirkendall, L.R. (2018) Invasive bark beetles (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Scolytinae) in Chile and Argentina, including two species new for South America, and the correct identity of the Orthotomicus species in Chile and Argentina. Diversity 10: 40. 10.3390/d10020040
Kulonen, A., Imboden, R.A., Rixen, C., Maier, S.B. & Wipf, S. (2018) Enough space in a warmer world? Microhabitat diversity and small-scale distribution of alpine plants on mountain summits. Diversity and Distributions 24: 252-261. 10.1111/ddi.12673
Lendvay, B., Bálínt, M., Pál, I., Vincze, I., Orbán, I. & Magyari, E.K. (2018) Plant macrofossils from lake sediment as the material to assess ancient genetic diversity: Did deforestation influence Norway spruce (Picea abies) in the South Carpathians? Quaternary International 477: 106-116. 10.1016/j.quaint.2018.02.023
Long, P.R., Benz, D., Martin, A.C., Holland, P.W.A., Macias Fauria, M., Seddon, A.W.R., Hagemann, R., Frost, T.K., Simpson, A., Power, D.J., Slaymaker, M.A. & Willis, K.J. (2018) LEFT - A web-based tool for the remote measurement and estimation of ecological value across global landscapes. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9: 571-579. 10.1111/2041-210X.12924
Magyari, E., Vincze, I., Orbán, I., Bíró, T. & Pál, I. (2018) Timing of major forest compositional changes and tree expansions in the Retezat Mts during the last 16,000 years. Quaternary International 477: 40-58. 10.1016/j.quaint.2017.12.054
Mahlum, S.K., Vollset, K.W., Barlaup, B.T., Velle, G. & Wiers, T. (2018) Where the salmon roam: fjord habitat use of adult Atlantic salmon. ICES Journal of Marine Science 75: 2163-2171. 10.1093/icesjms/fsy071
Mangerud, J., Birks, H.H., Halvorsen, L.S., Hughes, A.L.C., Nashoug, O., Nystuen, J.P., Paus, A., Sørensen, R. & Svendsen, J.I. (2018) The timing of deglaciation and sequence of pioneer vegetation at Ringsaker, eastern Norway - and an earthquake-triggered landslide. Norwegian Journal of Geology 98: 315-332. 10.17850/njg98-3-03
Morris, J.L., Cotrell, S. and 14 co-authors including Seddon, A.W.R. (2018) Bark beetles as agents of change in social-ecological systems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 16: S34-S43. 10.1002/fee.1754
Måren, I.E. & Sharma, L.N. (2018) Managing biodiversity: impacts of legal protection in mountain forests of the Himalaya. Forests 9: 476. 10.3390/f9080476
Måren, I.E., Kapfer, J., Aarrestad, P.A., Grytnes, J.-A. & Vandvik, V. (2018) Changing contributions of stochastic and deterministic processes in community assembly over a successional gradient. Ecology 99: 148-157. 10.1002/ecy.2052
Nyléhn, J. & Ødegaard, M. (2018) The "species" concept as a gateway to the nature of science. Science & Education 27: 685-714. 10.1007/s11191-018-0007-7
Orbán, I., Birks, H.H., Vincze, I., Finsinger, W., Pál, I., Marinova, E., Jakab, G., Braun, M., Bíró, T. & Magyari, E. (2018) Treeline and timberline dynamics on the northern and southern slopes of the Retezat Mountains (Romania) during the late glacial and the Holocene. Quaternary International 477: 59-78. 10.1016/j.quaint.2017.03.012
Perner, K., Moros, M., de Dekker, P., Blanz, T., Wacker, L., Telford, R.J., Siegel, H., Schneider, R. & Jansen, E. (2018) Heat export from the tropics drives mid to late Holocene palaeoceanographic changes offshore southern Australia. Quaternary Science Reviews 180: 96-110. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.11.033
Romeu-Dalmau, C., Gasparatos, A., von Maltitz, G., Graham, A., Almagro-Garcia, J., Wilebore, B. & Willis, K.J. (2018) Impacts of land use change due to biofuel crops on climate regulation services: five case studies in Malawi, Mozambique and Swaziland. Biomass and Bioenergy 114: 30-40. 10.1016/j.biombioe.2016.05.011
Romm, J., Conrad, E. & Måren, I.E. (2018) Resilient governance of water regimes in variable climates: lessons from California's hydro-ecological zones. Water 10: a196. 10.3390/w10020196
Steinbauer, M.J., Grytnes, J.-A., and 51 co-authors including Kulonen, A., Felde, V.A., Fossheim, K.F., Haugum, S.V. & Jaroszynska, F. (2018) Accelerated increase in plant species richness on mountain summits is linked to warming. Nature 556: 231-234. 10.1038/s41586-018-0005-6
Tao, H.-H., Snaddon, J.L., Slade, E.M., Henneron, L., Caliman, J.-P. & Willis, K.J. (2018) Application of oil palm empty fruit bunch effects on soil biota and functions: a case study in Sumatra, Indonesia. Agriculture, Ecosystems, & Environment 256: 105-113. 10.1016/j.agee.2017.12.012
Thorne, M., Thorne, D., La Duo, Lhag Chong, Grytnes, J.-A., Grytnes, J., Birks, H.H. & Birks, H.J.B. (2018) Meconopsis torquata in the mountains near Lhasa, Tibet Autonomous Region. The Rock Garden 140: 82-89.
Tingstad, L., Grytnes, J.-A., Felde, V.A., Juslén, A., Hyvärinen, E. & Dahlberg, A. (2018) The potential to use documentation in national Red Lists to characterize red-listed forest species in Fennoscandia and to guide conservation. Global Ecology and Conservation 15: e00410 10.1016/j.gecco.2018.e00410
Töpper, J.P., Meineri, E.P.F., Olsen, S.L., Rydgren, K., Skarpaas, O. & Vandvik, V. (2018) The devil is in the detail: non-additive and context-dependent plant population responses to increasing temperature and precipitation. Plant demography in a warmer & wetter climate. Global Change Biology 24: 4657-4666. 10.1111/gcb.14336
Vandvik, V., Halbritter, A. & Telford, R.J. (2018) Greening up the mountain. PNAS 115: 833-835. 10.1073/pnas.1721285115
Verheyen, K., Bažány, M., and 45 co-authors including Grytnes, J.-A. (2018) Observer and relocation errors matter in resurveys of historical vegetation plots. Journal of Vegetation Science 29: 812-823. 10.1111/jvs.12673
Vetaas, O.R., Grytnes, J.-A., Bhatta, K.P. & Hawkins, B.A. (2018) An intercontinental comparison of niche conservatism along a temperature gradient. Journal of Biogeography 45: 1104-1113. 10.1111/jbi.13185
Yang, Y., Halbritter, A.H., Klanderud, K., Telford, R.J., Wang, G. & Vandvik, V. (2018) Transplants, open-top chambers (OTCs) and gradient studies ask different questions in climate-change effect studies. Frontiers in Plant Science 9: 01574. 10.3389/fpls.2018.01574
Zhang, Y.-J., La Duo, Pang, Y.-Z., Felde, V.A., Birks, H.H. & Birks, H.J.B. (2018) Modern pollen assemblages and their relationships to vegetation and climate in the Lhasa Valley, Tibetan Plateau, China. Quaternary International 467B: 210-221. 10.1016/j.quaint.2018.01.040