Ecological and Environmental Change Research Group

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Arft, A.M. and 28 others including Totland, Ø. 1999. Responses of tundra plants to experimental warming: meta-analysis of the International Tundra Experiment. Ecological Monographs 69, 491-511.

Austad, I. & Losvik, M.H. 1999. Landbrukets kulturlandskap - bygdereservat, landskapskulisse eller bæfrekraftig jordbruk? Bergen Museum skrifter. Kultur 2, 49-55.

Birks, H.H. 1999. Stomata åpner for CO2-studier. Naturen 123, 189-199.

Birks, H.H., Eide, W. & Birks, H.J.B. 1999. Early Holocene atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Science 286, 1815-1816.

Birks, H.J.B., Battarbee, R.W. and Davis, R.B. 1999. Frode Berge (1938-1997). Journal of Paleolimnology 21, 259-261.

Bondevik, S., Birks, H.H., Gulliksen, S. & Mangerud, J. 1999. Late Weichselian marine 14C reservoir ages at the western coast of Norway. Quaternary Research 52, 102-114.

Boyle, J.F. & Birks, H.J.B. 1999. Predicting heavy metal concentrations in the surface sediments of Norwegian headwater lakes from atmospheric deposition: an application of a simple sediment-water partitioning model. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 114, 27-51.

Cameron, N.G., Birks, H.J.B., Jones, V.J. and 13 others. 1999. Surface-sediment and epilithic diatom pH calibration sets for remote European mountain lakes (AL:PE Project) and their comparison with the Surface Waters Acidification Programme (SWAP) calibration set. Journal of Paleolimnology 22, 291-317.

Grytnes, J.A., Birks, H.J.B. & Peglar, S.M. 1999. Plant species richness in Fennoscandia: evaluating the relative importance of climate and history. Nordic Journal of Botany 19, 489-503.

Grytnes, J.A., Birks, H.J.B. & Peglar, S.M. 1999. The taxonomic distribution of rare and common species among families in the vascular plant flora of Fennoscandia. Diversity and Distributions 5, 177-186.

Heegaard, E. 1999. Mosehagen på Milde; Norges første offisielle mosehage. Årsskrift for Arboretet og Botanisk Hage, Milde 3, 77-82.

Heegaard, E. 1999. Ordinations - some thoughts prior to computing. ICP-Waters Report 50/1999, 29-34 (NIVA Report 4091).

Heegaard, E. & Hangelbrock, H.H. 1999. The distribution of Ulota crispa at a local scale in relation to both dispersal- and habitat-related factors. Lindbergia 24, 65-74.

Hjelle, K.L. 1999. Modern pollen assemblages from mown and grazed vegetation types in western Norway. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 107, 55-81.

Hjelle, K.L. 1999. Use of modern pollen samples and estimated pollen representation factors as aids in the interpretation of cultural activity in local pollen diagrams. Norwegian Archaeological Review 32, 19-39.

Kielland-Lund, J., Losvik, M.H. & Norderhaug, A. 1999. Åpen slåttemark. In: Skjøtselsboka for kulturlandskap og gamle norske kulturmarker (eds. A. Norderhaug et al.), pp. 133-146. Landbruksforlaget.

Korhola, A., Weckström, J., Olander, H., Seppä, H., Blom, T., Sorvari, S., Virkanen, J., Birks, H.J.B., Toivonen, H. & Mannila, H. 1999. Climate changes as recorded by ecologically sensitive arctic lakes in Fennoscandia. In A Terrestrial Transect for Scandinavia/Northern Europe: Proceedings of the international Scantran conference (eds. M. Turunen et al.), pp. 98-99. European Commission Ecosystems Research Report 31, Brussels.

Losvik, M.H. 1999. Stimulation of seed germination in an abandoned hay meadow. Applied Vegetation Science 2, 251-256.

Losvik, M.H. 1999. Plant species diversity in an old, traditionally managed hay meadow compared to abandoned hay meadows in southwest Norway. Nordic Journal of Botany 19, 473-487.

Losvik, M.H. & Jørgensen, P.M. 1999. Musehagen. Norsk Hagetidend 5, 298-300.

Lowe, J.J., Birks, H.H., Brooks, S.J., Coope, G.R., Harkness, D.D., Mayle, F.E., Sheldrick, C., Turney, C.S.M. & Walker, M.J.C. 1999. The chronology of palaeoenvironmental changes during the Last Glacial-Holocene transition: towards an event stratigraphy for the British Isles. Journal of the Geological Society of London 156, 397-410.

Mayle, F.E., Bell, M., Birks, H.H., Brooks, S.J., Coope, G.R., Lowe, J.J., Sheldrick, C., Shijie, L., Turney, C.S.M. & Walker, M.J.C. 1999. Climate variations in Britain during the Last glacial - Holocene transition (15.0-11.5 cal Ka BP): comparison with the GRIP ice-core record. Journal of the Geological Society of London 156, 411-423.

Moe, D. & Hjelle, K.L. 1999. Mesolithic human adaption to changing alpine/subalpine vegetation in the central and eastern Alps, based on a vegetational historical study from Val Febbraro, Spluga Valley (Italy). Bonn Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie 55, 207-214.

Norderhaug, A. & Losvik, M.H. 1999. Åker. In: Skjøtselsboka for kulturlandskap og gamle norske kulturmarker (eds. A. Norderhaug et al.), pp. 173-176. Landbruksforlaget.

Norderhaug, A., Skogen, A., Austad, I., Hauge, L., Kielland-Lund, J., Kvamme, M. & Losvik, M.H. 1999. Viktige økologiske forhold og prosesser. In: Skjøtselsboka for kulturlandskap og gamle norske kulturmarker (eds. A. Norderhaug et al.), pp. 35-46. Landsbruksforlaget.

Nyléhn, J. & Totland, Ø. 1999. Effects of temperature and natural disturbance on growth, reproduction, and population density in the alpine annual hemiparasite Euphrasia frigida. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 31, 259-263.

Olander, H., Birks, H.J.B., Korhola, A. & Blom, T. 1999. An expanded calibration model for inferring lakewater and air temperatures from fossil chironomid assemblages in northern Fennoscandia. The Holocene 9, 279-294.

Peeters, L. & Totland, Ø. 1999. Wind to insect pollination ratios and floral traits in five alpine Salix species. Canadian Journal of Botany 77, 556-563.

Ratcliffe, D.A., Birks, H.J.B. & Birks, H.H. 1999. Trichomanes speciosum Willd. In: British Red Data Books 1. Vascular Plants. (ed. M.J. Wigginton), p. 374. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Peterborough.Losvik, M.H. & Jørgensen, P.M. Guide til Musehagen. Bergen Museum.

Sandvik, S.M., Totland, Ø. & Nyléhn, J. 1999. Breeding system and effects of plant size and flowering time on reproductive success in the alpine herb Saxifraga stellaris L. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 31, 196-201.

Totland, Ø. 1999. Effects of temperature on performance and phenotypic selection of plant traits in alpine Ranunculus acris. Oecologia 120, 242-251.

Totland, Ø. & Eide, W. 1999. Environmentally-dependent pollen limitation on seed production in alpine Ranunculus acris. Ecoscience 6, 173-179.

Totland, Ø. & Schulte-Herbrüggen, B. 1999. Breeding system, insect flower visitation, and floral traits of two alpine Cerastium species in Norway. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 35: 242-247.