Research Group Leader
Professor Rune Johan Krumsvik
Contact information
Digital Learning Communities Research Group
Department of Education
University of Bergen
Christies gate 13
N-5015 Bergen
Tel +0047 55 58 48 07
E-mail: rune.krumsvik@psych.uib.no
(For informasjon på norsk: klikk her.)
The research group Digital Learning Communities (DLC) was established by professor Rune Johan Krumsvik in 2007 at University of Bergen, Department of Education. The Head of the research group DLC is Professor Rune Johan Krumsvik and Professor Burke Johnson (University of South Alabama, USA) is Professor II in the research group. DLC carries out research within digital competence, learning analytics, ICT in higher education, metacognition, ICT and Learning outcome, flipped classroom, etc. The research group DLC consists of primary members from the University of Bergen and associated members from universities and university colleges in Norway. In addition DLC has a large international network of collaboration with researchers and universities. The research group focuses particularly on research within the field of ICT and learning.
The group conducts research projects focusing on the following topics:
a) Research on Learning Analytics
b) Formative assessment in higher education
c) Theory development and empirical studies within digital competence
d) Research on meta cognition in digital learning environments
e) Research on reading and writing in multimodal learning environments
f) Research on ICT and health promotion
g) Research on ICT and learning
The reseach group applies both Qualitative research designs and Mixed Method Research.