Strategic Partnership for MOOC development
6 partner universities in Europe now receive funding from EU’s Erasmus+ program Strategic Partnerships to develop 8 MOOCs teaching policy-oriented System Dynamics.

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International organizations such as the EU, UN, and OECD now point to the need for systems analysis to correct policies that have failed to produce sustainable developments. While there is need for better systems understanding, there is very little capacity worldwide to teach policy-oriented System Dynamics (SD) for sustainability transformations. For this reason, 6 partner universities in Europe now receive funding from EU’s Erasmus+ program Strategic Partnerships to develop 8 MOOCs teaching policy-oriented System Dynamics.
The MOOCs cover courses in SD model building and analysis; group model building; resilience and emergencies; sustainable production and consumption; interactions between food, water, and energy; and energy and climate.
When finished, the MOOCs will:
- Be integrated within existing university programs where they are developed.
- Provide virtual student mobility between the partner universities.
- Provide virtual student mobility between partners and joining universities.
- Provide universal free access to the MOOCs for anyone worldwide.