Ranked as the best research institution
Endocrine medicine is ranked as the best research group in the world for Addisons disease for the last 10 years

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According to the website Expertscape, a independent page that ranks people and institutions by their expertise in biomedical topics, the University of Bergen is ranked as the best institution in Addisons disease and the third best for adrenal failure over the last 10 years. The leader of the group Endocrine Medicine, professor Eystein Husebye, is ranked individually as number two and three for the same topics. Several other members of the research group are ranked among the top 50 world wide.
The ranking is based on the publication history of the last 10 years. The research group has published papers in some of the worlds most prestigefull journals as the Lancet, New England Journal of Medicine, Nature Communications and Nature Reviews Disease Primers.
The ranking was reported in the Norwegian paper for higher education, Khrono. Eystein Husebye is interviewed in the story and he credits the 25 year old patient registry ROAS, which is one of the worlds largest Addison registries, which he has built up together with patients and doctors all over Norway.