Bergen Epilepsy Research Group (BERG)
User perspective

User involvement and user perspective

The aim for all our research is to improve the treatment and the conditions for persons with epilepsy. This user perspective is strengthened by the presence of our user member and our cooperation with the national user organization.

User perspective

Main content

BERG has a permanent user member, Espen Andersen.  Norwegian Epilepsy Organization (Norsk Epilepsiforbund) has appointed him, and he meets regularly as a member of our research group to discuss projects. He is involved in the planning phase, in applications for approval and funding, in written project information to participants, and in the presentation of our results for patients and the public. He is also informed about and to some degree involved in ongoing projects.  EpiReg includes patient-reported data.

We are regularly presenting our projects, research results, and consequences of these results in Epilepsi-Nytt, the journal of Norsk Epilepsiforbund. We also give talks at national and regional meetings for patients with epilepsy.

We have regularly applied for and received financial support from Norsk Epilepsiforbund. In 2016, we received the Research Prize of Norsk Epilepsiforbund, only the second such prize ever. 

The aim for all our research is to improve the treatment and the conditions for persons with epilepsy. This user perspective is strengthened by the presence of our user member and our cooperation with the national user organization.