Final countdown
Fabian Zimmermann is defending his thesis "The value of size - Bioeconomic consequences of size-dependent pricing and fishing-induced evolution" on the coming Friday, September 2nd.

NSSH herring, mackerel, NS herring and cod in 2000-2010
Zimmermann and Heino, in preparation
Main content
Published: 27.08.2011
Fabian will be defending his thesis consisting of four chapters:
- Zimmermann, F., M. Heino, and S. I. Steinshamn. 2011. Does size matter? A bioeconomic perspective on optimal harvesting when price is size-dependent. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences in press.
- Zimmermann, F., S. I. Steinshamn, and M. Heino. 2011. Optimal harvest feedback rule accounting for the fishing-up effect and size-dependent pricing. Natural Resource Modeling 24:365-382. doi: 10.1111/j.1939-7445.2011.00095.x.
- Zimmermann F., and M. Heino. Size-dependent pricing in Norwegian fisheries. Manuscript.
- Zimmermann F., and C. Jørgensen. The bioeconomic consequences of fishing-induced evolution: A model predicts limited impact on net present value. Manuscript.
We are looking forward to a suitable degree of grilling by excellent opponents, professors Veijo Kaitala (University of Helsinki, Finland) and Claire Armstrong (University of Tromsø). Fabian has been supervised by Mikko Heino (EvoFish), Christian Jørgensen (Theoretical Ecology) and Stein Ivar Steinshamn (SNF).
To learn more about Fabian's work and to obtain a copy of this exciting thesis, be there! HIB, the Large Auditorium, 10:15 am, 2 September.