Evolutionary ecology
Master degree

Silje completes her Master degree

Silje has studied whether environmental enrichment affects aggressive behaviour in juvenile salmon.

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Silje has finished her presentation, questions?
Anne Gro Vea Salvanes

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Silje Elvatun Sikveland defended today her thesis "Kan berikelse i oppvekstmiljøet påvirke den aggressive- og territoriale atferden til lakseyngel (Salmo salar L.)?" (Can enrichment of the growing environment affect aggresive and territorial behaviours in juvenile salmon?). Silje studied pairwise interactions among juvenile salmon of different backgrounds (enriched versus non-enriched) in all possible combinations. There was high variability among the pairs but no consistent differences between the experimental groups.

The external examiner was Dr. Olav Moberg from the Fisheries Directorate. Olav is an EvoFish alumnus and very familiar with the topic as he has been working with similar questions himself, resulting, among others, in a publication in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

The thesis has been supervised by Anne Gro Vea SalvanesKnut Helge Jensen, and Arne Skorping from EvoFish.