Genetics Group

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Martens Group

Dr. Einar Martens Research Group for Biological Psychiatry

The Martens group is an integral part of the Norwegian Centre for Mental Disorders Research (NORMENT), a Centre of Excellence (CoE) funded by the Research Council of Norway. NORMENT CoE is hosted by the University of Oslo, with Oslo University Hospital, the University of Bergen, and Haukeland University Hospital as partner institutions.

Members of the group are involved in the Genomics Core Facility at the University of Bergen, which is part of the National Consortium for Sequencing and Personalized Medicine (NorSeq). We are located at the Department of Clinical Science at the University of Bergen and the Department of Medical Genetics (MGM) at Haukeland University Hospital.

The research group is lead by:

Professor Vidar M. Steen (Molecular risk factors)  

Professor Stéphanie Le Hellard (Epigenetics of mental disorders).