

GoNorth (Geosciences in the Northern Arctic) is a Norwegian geoscience project for exploration of The Arctic Ocean. 13 Norwegian institutions participate, and work is being done towards establishing wide international collaboration.

GoNorth illustrasjon
Preliminary plan for expedition program. 1) Northern margin of Svalbard with Kronprins Haakon in 2021. 2) The Gakkel ridge; two-ship expedition, Kronprins Haakon and Polarstern, AWI in 2023. 3) Morris Jesup Rise; two-ship expedition, Kronprins Haakon and Oden, The Swedish Maritime Administration, 2025.
Rolf Mjelde, UiB

Main content

GoNorth has developed an extensive scientific program, centred around 3 work packages; the development of Svalbard's northern margin, seafloor spreding along the Gakkel-ridge, and the area's climate history. In addition there are work packages for technology, oceanography and biology.

GoNorth currently does not have research funding, but did in 2020 receive support from 

GoNorth har utviklet et omfattende vitenskapelig program, sentrert rundt 3 geovitenskapelige arbeidspakker; utviklingen av Svalbards nord-margin, havbunnsspredningsprosessene langs Gakkel-ryggen og områdets klimahistorie. I tillegg er der arbeidspakker for teknologi, oseanografi og biologi.

GoNorth har foreløpig ikke midler til forskning, men fikk i 2020 støtte fra Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries; Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Ministry of Education and Research for planning three expeditions in the Arctic Ocean, the first with Kronprins Haakon in 2021.

The funding model has three elements; data gathering for various directorates, free research funds and industrial collaboration.

GoNorth is led by Gunnar Sand, SINTEF, and from the Geophysics Research Grouop; GEO, UiB, participants include Rolf Mjelde (who is part of GoNorth's management team), Tor Arne Johansen and Kuvvet Atakan. Rolf Birger Pedersen is UiB's representative in the management team.