Seminar program spring 2021
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Seminar program spring 2021.*
12th February - Rebeca Franco Valle (PhD Candidate, Viking Age Archaeology and Art History) - Performing Old Norse poetry in visual art. A comparative perspective with the Islamic world.
26th February – An update on individual projects.
12th March - Maria L. Pietraszek (MA, Independent researcher / research assistant) - Project presentation
26th March - Samantha L. Smith (PhD candidate, History of Art) – ‘Early modern sacred history and antiquarianism: A context to the reception of the Holy Shroud in the late 1500s.’
16th April -Jens Eike Schnall (Associate Professor, Old Norse Studies) et al. –Writing the Image, Showing the Word: The Agency of Knowledge Production in Texts and Images – An introduction.
30th April - Stefan Andreas Drechsler (Postdoctoral fellow) – Medieval Art from Bergen
14th May - John-Wilhelm Flattun (Academic Librarian) - Power of Art and Memory: Propaganda and Mythmaking in early Tudor Hero Iconography
28th May - Jens Eike Schnall (Associate Professor, Old Norse Studies) – Project presentation
11th June - Kristian Reinfjord (PhD Candidate) – ‘Medieval masons and other Craftsmen as actants of Technology – reading Images of knowledge in an Archaeological Material.’
*All seminars this semester are held on Zoom due to the current pandemic.