Bergen Media Use Research Group
New Research


Here you will find publications from the group’s members.

Main content


From pleasure to politics: Five functions of watching TV-series for public connection

Nærland, Torgeir Uberg. (2019) "From pleasure to politics: Five functions of watching TV-series for public connection", European Journal of Communciation, Online first 2019.

Read the article here


Approximately Informed, Occasionally Monitorial? Reconsidering Normative Citizen Ideals

Ytre-Arne, B. & Moe, H. (2018) "Approximately Informed, Occasionally Monitorial? Reconsidering Normative Citizen Ideals", International Journal of Press/Politics 23(2) 227-246. 

Read the article here

Fictional Entertainment and Public Connection: Audiences and the Everyday Use of TV-series

Nærland, U. T. (2018) "Fictional Entertainment and Public Connection: Audiences and the Everyday Use of TV-series", Television & New Media 00(0) 1-19. 

Read the article here

Beyond the Limits of Survey Experiments: How Conjoint Designs Advance Causal Inference in Political Communication Research

Knudsen, E. & Johannesson, M. P. (2018) "Beyond the Limits of Survey Experiments: How Conjoint Designs Advance Causal Inference in Political Communication Research", Political Communication. 

Read the article here

Automatiserte versus selvrapporterte publikumspraksiser? Metodiske utfordringer med tv-metere og spørreundersøkelser 

2018 Jan Fredrik Hovden og Hallvard Moe "Automatiserte versus selvrapporterte publikumspraksiser? Metodiske utfordringer med tv-metere og spørreundersøkelser", Norsk medietidsskrift, 28(01): 1-30.

Read the article here (in Norwegian)

Seing på sakte-tv

Urdal, E. og Puijk, R. (2018) "Seing på sakte-tv", Norsk Medietidsskrift 25(2).

Read the article here (in Norwegian)

Brukerperspektiv på NRKs bidrag til mediemangfoldet og innvirkning på andre aktører: En analyse av surveydata for Medietilsynet

2018 Jan Fredrik Hovden, Hallvard Moe, Lennart Rosenlund og Balder Holm "Brukerperspektiv på NRKs bidrag til mediemangfoldet og innvirkning på andre aktører: En analyse av surveydata for Medietilsynet". Report. Bergen: University of Bergen.

Read the report here (in Norwegian)

Bruksmønstre for digitale nyheter

2018 Hilde Sakariassen og Hallvard Moe "Bruksmønstre for digitale nyheter. Reuters Institute Digital News Report", Norge 2018: Bergen: Universitetet i Bergen.

Read the report here (in Norwegian)


Critical, Agentic and Trans-Media. Frameworks and findings from a foresight analysis exercise on audiences  

Das, R. and Ytre-Arne, B. (2017) "Critical, Agentic and Trans-Media. Frameworks and findings from a foresight analysis exercise on audiences», European Journal of Communication 32(6) 535-551.  

Read the article here

The Structure of Videogame Preference

Hovden, Jan Fredrik og Klevjer, Rune (2017): “The Structure of Videogame Preference”. Game Studies, vol 17/2. 

Read the article here

Distinctions in the Media Welfare State: Audience Fragmentation in Post-Egalitarian Sweden

Lindell, J. og Hovden, J. F. (2017) “Distinctions in the Media Welfare State: Audience Fragmentation in Post-Egalitarian Sweden”. Media, Culture and Society

Read the article here (requires subscription)

Altogether now? Symbolic recognition, musical media events and the forging of civic bonds among minority youth in Norway 

Nærland, Torgeir Uberg. (2017) "Altogether now? Symbolic recognition, musical media events and the forging of civic bonds among minority youth in Norway". European Journal of Cultural Studies

Read the article here (requires subscription)

Sjeldenkonsumenter av nyheter: Holdning til nyhetsmedier, medborgerskap og forklaringer på sjeldenkonsum blant unge voksne.

Helgerud, Anders (2017) "Sjeldenkonsumenter av nyheter: Holdning til nyhetsmedier, medborgerskap og forklaringer på sjeldenkonsum blant unge voksne". Norsk Medietidsskrift.

Read the article here (in Norwegian)

A sociocultural approach to study public connection across and beyond media: The example of Norway

Hovden, Jan Fredrik og Hallvard Moe (2017) ”A sociocultural approach to study public connection across and beyond media: The example of Norway”. Convergence.

Read the article here

I´ve got our news and bad news: Party crues trump negativity bias when selecting political news online

Iversen, Magnus Hoem, and Erik Knudsen (2017) “I've got our news and bad news: Party cues trump negativity bias when selecting political news online”

Read the article here

When Politicians go Native: Consequences of Native Advertising for Citizens`Trust in Political News

Iversen, Magnus Hoem og Knudsen, Erik (2017) When Politicians go Native: Consequences of Native Advertising for Citizens’ Trust in Political News. Journalism.

Read the article here

Perceptions of journalistic bias: Party preferences, media trust and attitudes toward immigration

2017 Hallvard Moe, Kjersti Thorbjørnsrud og Audun Fladmoe "Perceptions of journalistic bias: Party preferences, media trust and attitudes toward immigration", s 109-138 i Arnfinn Midtbøen, Kari Steen-Johnsen og Kjersti Thorbjørnsrud (red.) Boundary Struggles: Contestations of Free Speech in the Public Sphere, Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Read the article here

Bruksmønstre for digitale nyheter

2017 Hilde Sakariassen, Jan Fredrik Hovden og Hallvard Moe "Bruksmønstre for digitale nyheter. Reuters Institute Digital News Report, Norge 2017"delrapport fra MeCIn-prosjektet, juni 2017. Bergen: Universitetet i Bergen.

Read the report here (in Norwegian)


Music, Ideology and Emerging Political Elites: A Survey of Musical Taste and Aesthetic Sensibilities among Young Politicians in Norway

Nærland, T.U. (2016) Music, Ideology and Emerging Political Elites: A Survey of Musical Taste and Aesthetic Sensibilities among Young Politicians in Norway, Praktiske Grunde: Nordisk tidsskrift for kultur- og samfundsvidenskab.

Rearticulating Audience Engagement: Social Media and Television

José van Dijck, Thomas Poell og Hallvard Moe (red.) (2016) "Rearticulating Audience Engagement: Social Media and Television", Television & New Media, 17(2).

Hallvard Moe, Thomas Poell og José van Dijck (2016) "Rearticulating Audience Engagement: Social Media and Television". Television & New Media, 17(2): 99-107.

Freedom of Information and Divides in the Digital Age. Teletext and Internet Use in Norway

Hallvard Moe (2016) "Freedom of Information and Divides in the Digital Age. Teletext and Internet Use in Norway", s. 167-180 i Hallvard Moe og Hilde Van den Bulck (red.) Teletext Across Europe: From the Analogue to the Digital Era, Gøteborg: Nordicom.

Chapter and rest of the book can be found here

Gendered Citizenship and the Politics of Representation

Danielsen, Hilde, Kari Jegerstedt, Ragnhild Muriaas and Brita Ytre-Arne (eds) (2016): Gendered Citizenship and the Politics of Representation. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Illness, identity, and participation. The social media experiences of long-term patients

Ytre-Arne, Brita (2016): "Illness, identity, and participation. The social media experiences of long-term patients", Nordicom Review.

Habermas and strategic communication

Iversen, Magnus Hoem. 2016. Habermas og strategisk kommunikasjon: Et løsningsorientert blikk på Habermas’ språksyn og dets konsekvenser for retorikk. Rhetorica Scandinavica. 71/72: 94-111.

Breaking the Ban: The Use of Televised Political Advertising in Norway

Iversen, Magnus Hoem. 2016. Breaking the Ban: The Use of Televised Political Advertising in Norway. 17, sider 193-201. I: Edström, Maria; Kenyon, Andrew; Svensson, Eva-Maria. 2016. Blurring the Lines: Market-Driven and Democracy-Driven Freedom of Expression. Nordicom. 212 sider. ISBN: 978-91-87957-36-9.

Class and media use in Sweden

Lindell, J & Hovden, J. F. (2016) “Distinktioner i medievälfärdsstaten.” in J. Ohlsson, H. Oscarsson & M. Solevid (eds) Ekvilibrium. Göteborgs universitet: SOM-institutet.

Read chapter here (in Swedish)


From musical expressivity to public political discourse proper: the case of Karpe Diem in the aftermath of the Utøya massacre

Nærland, T.U. (2015) “From musical expressivity to public political discourse proper: the case of Karpe Diem in the aftermath of the Utøya massacre", Popular Communication, 13:3 (In press).

Politisk debatt på mammaforum

Ytre-Arne, B. (2015) "Mammaforum som politisk debattarena – En analyse av nettdebatt om velferdsstaten". Norsk medietidsskrift 01-2015.

Read the article here (in Norwegian)


Tastekeepers. Taste structures, power and aesthetic-political positions in the elites of the Norwegian cultural field

Hovden, J. F. and Knapskog, K. (2014). Tastekeepers. Taste structures, power and aesthetic-political positions in the elites of the Norwegian cultural field. Nordisk kulturpolitisk tidsskrift, vol 17/1.

Read the article here

Cultural use and orientation in Norwegian political administrativ elites

Hovden, J. F. and Knapskog, K. (2014). Høgt og lågt i Stortinget og departementa. Kulturbruk og kulturorientering hjå dei norske politisk-administrative elitane. Sosiologisk tidsskrift vol 22/3. (additional tables and figures).

Read the article here (in Norwegian)