Bergen Media Use Research Group

About the group

What we research, collaborations and how you can contact us.

Main content

The Bergen Media Use Research group is led by Hallvard Moe and Brita Ytre-Arne, who also lead research projects PREPARE (ERC, Moe), Media Use in Crisis Situations (NFR, Ytre-Arne) and Work Package 1 Understanding Media Experiences at MediaFutures. Read more about these and other projects here

The Media Use Group is a community of researchers and master’s students who are interested in media use, and it is a part of the Department of Information Science and Media Studies. The group researches how people – as audiences, users and citizens – connect to each other and the society through media. 

The group is especially interested in media use as a link between individuals and the society, and analyses democratic, political and socio-cultural dimensions of media use. We work with theoretical and methodological development to understand the role of media in a digital society. 

The research group arranges group meetings, workshops and open seminars. Master’s students in the group get a glimpse on current media research, feedback on drafts, and a chance to give a try-out presentation to the group. Researchers in the group lecture on courses on media use on both bachelor’s and master’s levels, as well as arrange an annual PhD course on media use research together with colleagues from Roskilde University. 


Professor II: Dominique Pasquier, Irene Costera Meijer og Janice Radway.

Visiting scholars: Johan Lindell (2016), Hilde Stephansen (2019)Aristea Fotopoulou (2019)Julia Jakob (2021), Morten Sivertsen (2021), Maria Faust (2022)

Research networks

Roskilde Universitet - Nordic Audience Research Network

A collaboration on a yeraly PhD-course on media use and audience studies between Bergen Media Use Reserach Group and the research group Audiences and Media Life at Roskilde University. Every other year in Bergen and Roskilde.

The Digital Social Science Core Facility (DIGSSCORE)

The Digital Social Science Core Facility (DIGSSCORE) is an infrastructure for advanced social science data collection and multi-disciplinary research at the University of Bergen. DIGSSCORE fasilitates The Norwegian Citizen Panel, and integrates it with a fully equipped on-site social science digital research lab, The Citizen Lab.The facility takes advantage of changes in technology and research methodology that combine to bring computer laboratory research and survey studies ever closer together.

SCUD: Network for the Studies of Cultural Distinctions and Social Differentiation

The SCUD network consists of researchers from different European countries with a common interest in the study of processes of social differentiation and the formation of lifestyles and cultural consumption. A common point of departure lies in Bourdieu's cultural theory, which is assessed through a systematic confrontation with other sociological theories as well as through a confrontation with recent empirical studies and a detailed examination of the methods applied within the sociology of cultural consumptions. Conferences every other year.

Euromedia Research Group

A network of european researchers, founded in 1982 at a workshop on media policy. The group is part of the framework of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), and aims to describe and analyze the development of european media structure and media policy. Frequent meetings, publishes books and other publications regularly.