Porous Media Group



Simulation of Fracture propagation in thermo-poroelastic material

Simulation of Fracture propagation in thermo-poroelastic material.
Ivar Stefansson
Coupled simulation of fracturing poroelastic medium with adaptive remeshing (performed by additional in-house software).
Hau Trung Dang
A posteriori
A posteriori error estimates applied to the 2D benchmark problem (flow left to right) using MPFA for three different mesh sizes.
Jhabriel Varela

Adaptivity in PorePy

Simulation of fingering using adaptivity.
Runar Berge


Pressure evolution and deformation of a poroelastic material with fractures under frictional contact. Right: red - fracture under slip; fracture in sticking state; blue - open fracture.
Runar Berge


Fluid flow in a fractured porous medium with hexagonally structured fractures.
Runar Berge

Main content

Much of the research in the Porous Media Group is based on the simulation tool PorePy https://github.com/pmgbergen/porepy/, which is developed within the group. Initiated in 2017, PorePy is an open source research code written in Python, which aims at the study of multiphysics processes in deformable porous media. Fractured porous media is a particular focus area - PorePy is one of the few available simulators that are explicitly designed for mixed-dimensional problems - but the simulation tool is also used to study more traditional porous media problems.

At its core, PorePy can be viewed as a set of discretization methods for common processes in porous media (flow, transport, deformation), together with tools for easy coupling such discretizations to cover multiphysics problems in mixed-dimensional domains. The code is designed with an emphasis on flexibility, prototyping, and user-friendliness.

Research within the Porous Media Group uses PorePy in a wide variety of settings:

  1. For development and study of numerical methods, including discretization schemes, linear and non-linear solvers.
  2. To study complex multiphysics interactions, often in the context of fracture networks with complicated and evolving geometries.  
  3. To do simulations of field cases in collaboration with scientists from other disciplines.

PorePy is also an important tool to ensure that research within the Porous Media Group complies with the standards of open and reproducible science. To that end, in addition to the software itself being fully open source, run scripts for most papers produced with the code are posted at GitHub, see https://github.com/pmgbergen/.

More information about PorePy can be found at the GitHub page https://github.com/pmgbergen/porepy/, and in the paper:

Keilegavlen, E., Berge, R., Fumagalli, A., Starnoni, M., Stefansson, I., Varela, J., & Berre, I. PorePy: an open-source software for simulation of multiphysics processes in fractured porous media. Computational Geosciences, 25, 243–265 (2021), doi:10.1007/s10596-020-10002-5