probe proteomics FUGE biobank call

Renewed call for projects using biobank samples to perform proteomics analysis

The board of FUGE (the Functional Genomics programme of Norway) has granted 2,3 mill NOK to be distributed to research projects in order stimulate use of bio bank material in proteomics research. This is part of the effort to stimulate researchers to utilize multiple FUGE platforms in their research and to encourage contact and interdisciplinary cooperation between the different technology platforms.

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Funding can be applied to cover running costs for access and analysis of samples from human biobanks with significant track record for valuable scientific use at Norproteomics facilities of up to a maximum of 500 000 NOK over a period of maximum three years. There are no thematic criteria in this call. The call is aimed towards researchers and research groups members (including PhD-students) at the university/institute sector in Norway.

For further details please consult the grant call
