Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (TeLEd) research group
Guest lecture

Is Racism Agential? New Materialism and the Study of Institutionalized Racism in Education

The research group for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (TeLEd) in collaboration with the Institutt for Pedagogikk, the Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology (SLATE), and the Difference and Power in Education research group (FoMU), invite all interested staff to a guest lecture by Jerry Rosiek, Professor of Education Studies, University of Oregon.

Picture of Jerry Lee Rosiek
Jerry Lee Rosiek

Main content

Jerry Rosiek publishes research in Qualitative Research Methodology, Applied Philosophy and Curriculum Theory. He is best known for his work on the use of narrative representations in social inquiry and for his research on the resegregation of public schools. He is currently interested in the intersection of posthuman social theory, critical race theory, and Indigenous studies scholarship on non-human agency.

Abstract: Contemporary scholarship has documented that racism is not one thing, but is a protean assemblage composed of ontologically diverse phenomena like property values, nationalist discourses, interpersonal interactions, segregation, deliberate exploitation, differences in the quality of public services, and more. Responded to in one form, it reappears in another form. This talk explores ways to apply Karen Barad’s new materialist philosophy to the study of racism. Specifically, it looks at the way Barad’s notion of agential realism and intra-action can enhance our anti-racist scholarship and educational practice.