Teacher Professionalism and Education

Central research projects

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·         NFR- FINNUT project lead by BIOCEED. Arild Raaheim is the TPE main contact and workis in close relation to TPE.


·         Chearing and plagiarism in higher education.   Arild Raaheim is the project leader.


·         «Together for Better Learning»  Cooperation among TPE, TVEPS, The Grieg Academy of Music, Norwegian Academy of Music (CEMPE)-  Project leader Arild Raaheim.


·         NFR- FINNUT project, Responsive Teaching in Mathematics. This is a copperation project among five higher education institutions in Western Norway ( UH-nett Vest) adimistrated by Stord Haugesund University College. Knut Steinar Engelsen is the project leader, and Kari Smith (TPE) is the research leader in the project. Five other TPE researchers are involved with the project.


·          Once a Teacher- always a teacher? Project leader is  Kari Smith. This is a wide international cooperation including nine countries examining teacher attrition.  The project has received some internal UoB funding and some funding from UH-nett Vest. In addition to Smith, three additional TPE members are involved.


·         Academic Tribes and their Territories in Teacher Education” is a comparative study focusing on teacher educators’ role from three perspectives: teacher educators, student teachers and mentors in three countries: England, Norway and Germany. The research project was first initiated by a research team at the University of East London which also developed the research design, a mixed methods design with questionnaires, interviews and focus groups. In most European countries there is to day no consistent understanding about teacher educators’ role and the competences and qualification needed (EU, 2013). The aim of this study is consequently to develop a deeper understanding of the role. A comparison between various educational contexts across national borders yields important information and can shed new light on the specific system and on teacher education internationally. Marit Ulvik is the UPP coordinator for this project.


·         InFo-TED, International Forum for Teacher Educator Development. This is a wide European project with representatives also from USA and Israel working on developing an understanding of the professional knowledge of teacher educators, and how to make it accessible for teacher educators.The aim is to establish a European framework for teacher educators. Kari Smith is one of the founders of InFo-TED and serves as the coordinator.


·         Motivation for teaching, Dag Roness coordinates the project

·         Professionalizing the Teaching Profession,  Anne Grete Danielsen