The Nordic Graduate School of Educational Research

How to become a member of WNGER II

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All doctoral candidates at both the host and partner institutions can become members of The Nordic Graduate School of Educational Research (formerly WNGER II). The target group for the graduate school includes doctoral candidates in pedagogy, teacher education, university and college pedagogy, educational science, health and sports science, special education, and professional practice.

If you, as Ph.D. candidate or Ph.D. supervisor are interested in becoming a NORED member, click here for registration.

If your institution has questions about associate memberships in NORED, please contact:

Research school leader:  Professor Rune Johan Krumsvik: Rune.Johan.Krumsvik@uib.no

Universitetet i Bergen, Det psykologiske fakultetet, Institutt for pedagogikk

Address: Christiesgt. 13, 5020 BERGEN, 

Telefon: +47 55 58 81 49