Occupational and environmental medicine
The field of occupational medicine encompasses the study of how various exposures in the work environment affect health, including the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of work-related diseases and injuries, as well as the promotion of health and safety in the workplace. The field of environmental medicine involves the study of how environmental factors such as air pollution, chemicals, radiation, and climate change impact human health, as well as the development of measures to prevent and reduce health damage caused by these factors.

Main content
The research group has a wide range of research activities, focusing on both occupational and environmental medical epidemiology. Through our research, we aim to contribute to the prevention of work- and environment-related diseases and injuries, both nationally and globally. In addition to projects funded internally and externally, we also undertake larger consultancy tasks within our areas of expertise
Who are we?
Magne Bråtveit, professor, occupational hygienist
Bente Moen, professor, specialist in occupational medicine
Gro Tjalvin, associate professor, specialist in occupational medicine
Ole Jacob Møllerløkken, associate professor, specialist in occupational medicine
Kaja Irgens-Hansen, associate professor, specialist in occupational medicine
Bjørg Eli Hollund, associate professor, occupational hygienist
Jorunn Kirkeleit, researcher, occupational hygienist
Associated members:
Kari Eilidh Mikkelsen, occupational hygienist/bioengineer
Stein Håkon Låstad Lygre, statistician
Hilde Kristin Vindenes, specialist in occupational dermatology
Abel Deresu Dufera, doctor specializing in occupational medicine
Dagrun Slettebø Daltveit, statistician
Research group vision
Healthy workplaces and a healthy external environment, both nationally and globally
By conducting leading research on the relationships between exposures in the workplace or from the external environment and health effects, we will contribute to the prevention of work- and environment-related diseases and injuries, both nationally and globally. We aim to be an important educational institution in occupational and environmental medicine, and a visible societal participant in issues concerning the development of healthy workplaces and a healthy external environment.
Finished research projects
The Research group participates in a range of research projects, both nationally and internationally. You can find information about different finished projects under the links below.
Benzene Exposure among Employees on Norwegian Offshore Installations
Chemical Exposure in the Plastics Industry (2020)
Mapping exposure among oil spill response workers
Electromagnetic fields in ships and reproductive health in men
Occupational health amongst cleaners and office workers in Norway
Cadmium in the local environment
Dusty industries in developing countries
Intervention study to reduce the occurrence of musculoskeletal disorders
Hearing conservation methodology offshore
(Text in Norwegian)
Benzeneksponering i petroleumsnæringen på norsk sokkel | Nye doktorgrader | UiB Hilde Ridderseth 16.06.2023
Forskning for et sunnere arbeidsmiljø | Nye doktorgrader | UIB Akeza Awealom Asgedom 22.11.2019
Økt bevissthet om støy og hørsel på jobben er viktig | Nye doktorgrader | UIB Israel Paul Nyarubeli 21.10.2019
Oljesøl og eksponering for benzen | Nye doktorgrader | UiB Ingrid Gjesteland 20.03.2019
A proper lookout. «En skikket utkikk» | Nye doktorgrader | UiB Vilhelm F Koefoed 14.09.2018
Illeluktende avfall etter Sløvåg-ulykken og helseplager | Nye doktorgrader | UiB Gro Tjalvin 02.02.2018
Rosedyrking i Etiopia kan skade arbeidstakernes helse | Nye doktorgrader | UIB Amare Workiye Nigatu 30.05.2017
Påvirker miljøet blodcellene våre? | Nye doktorgrader | UiB André Sulen 09.12.2016
Luftveisplager i årene etter «Sløvågulykken» | Nye doktorgrader | UiB Jens-Tore Granslo 15.11.2016
Støy i Sjøforsvaret | Nye doktorgrader | UiB Kaja Irgens-Hansen 06.05.2016
Tungu, Alexander Mtemi, Bedre arbeidsmiljø i sementfabrikk, ph.d., disputas: 23.10.2013
Sakwari, Gloria, Kaffeproduksjon og luftveisplager, ph.d., disputas: 27.09.2013
Waage, Siri, Skiftarbeid, søvn og helse blant norske offshorearbeidere, ph.d., disputas: 30.09.2011
Baste, Valborg, Reproduksjonshelsen til menn i Sjøforsvaret, PhD, disputas: 20.05.2011
Høivik, Dordi, Helse, miljø og sikkerhetskultur i petroleumsvirksomheten, PhD, disputas: 12.06.2009
Magerøy, Nils, Helse og arbeidsmiljø blant ansatte i Sjøforsvaret, PhD, disputas: 08.05.2009
Kayumba, Akwilina, Arbeidsmiljøet blant sisalprodusenter bør forbedres, PhD, disputas: 12.12.2008
Alsaker, Kjersti, Kvinner som har opplevd vold fra sin partner, dr.polit., disputas: 30.05.2008
Bakke, Jan Vilhelm, Innemiljø og helse i universitetsbygninger i Bergen, PhD, disputas: 16.05.2008
Steinsvåg, Kjersti, Kreftfremkallende stoffer offshore, PhD, disputas: 15.06.2007
Mwaiselage, Julius, Effekter på luftveiene ved eksponering for sementstøv, PhD, disputas: 04.02.2005
Hollund, Bjørg Eli, Friske frisører blir i yrket, dr.philos., disputas: 20.08.2004
Sanne, Bjarte, Angst, depresjon og arbeidsliv, dr.med., disputas: 04.06.2004
Morken, Tone, Muskel- og skjelettplager i aluminiumindustrien, dr.philos., disputas: 06.06.2003
Bull, Nils, Risikofaktorer for yrkesskader, dr.med., disputas: 26.04.2002
National and international collaborating partner institutions
- Other research groups at University of Bergen
- Department of Occupational Medicine, Haukeland universitetssykehus
- Occupational Health in the North, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø
- Department of Occupational Medicine, University Hospital of North Norway, Tromsø
- Work and Health, Department of Public Health and Nursing, NTNU, Trondheim
- Occupational Medicine Department, St. Olavs Hospital, Trondheim
- Cancer registry/University of Oslo
- STAMI – The National Institute of Occupational Health in Norway
- Utrecht University, Netherlands
- University of Cape Town, South Africa
- Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS), Tanzania
- Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
- Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Finland
- Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Lund University, Sweden
- Det nationale forskningscenter for arbeidsmiljø, Denmark
Commissioned research
The group can conduct commissioned research in health, environment, and safety.
We are particularly interested in projects related to HSE within:
- Fisheries
- Maritime work
- Offshore work
- Heavy industry
- Occupational health in low- and middle-income countries
Areas where we have particular expertise:
- Various types of pollution
- Chemical health hazards
- Indoor climate
- Dust and particles
- Oil and oil products
- Shift work and health
- Noise exposure and health
Potential clients include, for example, companies in Norwegian industry, organisations, authorities, and research councils.
Medical students
Occupational medicine: workplace exposures, health effects, occupational history, management at individual and group levels, reading scientific literature
Environmental medicine: external environmental exposures, health effects, and management at the societal level
Master’s in Occupational Hygiene
Chemical and physical factors in the work environment
Mandatory "hovedoppgave" (medical students), research track students, master’s and PhD candidates
International Courses
“Better Workplaces in Low and Middle Income Countries” (online on Futurelearn.com)
“Introduction to Global Occupational Health” (on campus)
"Chemical Hazards in the Work Environment" (online kurs hosted by Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences)