Exam dates at the Faculty of Medicine
You are obliged to know this information!
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Important information about written exams
Start time for written exams
Exams are held between 09:00 and 19:00 (excl extra time). The start time is either 09:00 or 15:00. Each exam only has one start time.
Please note that up till 14 days prior to each exam, some written exams may be moved from 09:00 to 15:00 or from 15:00 to 09:00. Please check Studentweb or the exam schedule for your faculty.
Exam dates will not be changed barring any unforeseen circumstances.
Exam locations and room assignment
Exam locations are published 14 days prior to each exam.
Your exact exam location is assigned to you approx. 1 week prior to each exam. You need to log on to Studentweb to see your exact location. It is particularly important to check your exam location in Studentweb if the exam is held in multiple locations to make sure you meet at the correct location. This means that you may be assigned a different location than one of your fellow students.
Students who have been granted special arrangements need to log on to Studentweb to see their exam location. Special arrangements rooms should be assigned no later than 1 week prior to each exam.
You are obliged to know this information!
Your examination results are available on "StudentWeb".
The students are responsible to make sure they do not sign up for subjects with coinciding examination days.
The location is published as latest 7 days ahead of the examination day.