
Study plan for MAMN-BIOHAV Aquaculture Biology, fall 2024

Name of qualification

Master of Science in Biology - Aquaculture Biology

ECTS Credits

Two years of full-time study, where the normal workload for a full-time student is 60 credits for one academic year.



Language of Instruction



Autumn (main admission) & Spring (supplementary admission if not all spots are filled)

Objectives and content

Aquaculture Biology is a specialization in the Master's Programme in Biology

The goal of the Aquaculture Biology specialization is to give a theoretical basis and practical experience for understanding the biological principles in aquatic food production. Aquaculture is a diverse discipline, covering topics such as molecular biology, chemistry, nutrition, as well and the biology, physiology, and behaviour of fish.

The practical work of aquaculture takes place in the laboratory, the hatchery, or the fish farm. The courses in this specialization provide an insight into the role of aquaculture in global food production, and the knowledge and skills needed for its further development. The student research project can be undertaken in a commercial setting or at a research institution. The research question may be focused on a fundamental biological process, or be designed to test and refine production techniques or instrumentation.

The specialization is intended to give a solid background for students who wish to work in aquaculture or related industries, or to pursue further research.

Required Learning Outcomes

On completion of the Aquaculture Biology study specialization, students will be able to:


  • Understand of the role of aquaculture for global commerce, health, and food security
  • Understand the biology of relevant aquaculture species, and explain the different life history stages and their requirements in aquaculture
  • Understand the biological basis (molecular, endrocrinological, cellular, nutrition) for the control of growth and development of aquaculture species
  • Discuss the balance between requirements for environmental quality, ethics, legal governance, and the requirements of commercial production in aquaculture.


  • Be familiar with relevant research questions in aquaculture biology
  • Analyse growth patterns and explain the major aspects of the development in marine species
  • Apply common aquaculture biology research methods for investigating growth, reproduction, and development
  • Determine the causes of variations in development and growth rate
  • Pursue an independent research task, in accordance with proper health and safety practice, including analysis of biological material, data collection, data analysis, and interpretation of results.
  • Show proficiency in the main analytical methods used in the student's own research task, and be able to explain, discuss, and interpret other methods that may be included in that research task.
  • Be able to retrieve, analyze and apply new knowledge within the field

General competences

  • Be able to work in accord with scientific principles, and understand and respect openness, precision, accountability and the significance of distinguishing between knowledge and opinion.
  • Discuss biological theories in relation to the biology of aquatic organisms in cultured conditions
  • Present a scientific conclusion based on the analysis of student's own data, and in context with existing research results.
  • Demonstrate knowledge and mastery of the literature and reference databases relevant to student's own work
  • Work independently and as part of a team with comprehensive and demanding assignments, and to meet deadlines.
  • Produce a formal oral and written presentation of student's own research results.
  • Be able to discuss the student's research field in public discussions.

Admission Requirements

In order to apply for the Master Programme in Biology, you need a bachelor degree in biology or related field. You must hold a minimum of:

  • 60 ECTS in biology
  • 7,5 ECTS in chemistry that must include lab work
  • 7,5 ECTS in statistics
  • 7,5 ECTS in mathematics

Bachelor degrees from UiB that qualify:

  • Bachelor degree in Biology,
  • Bachelor degree in Sustainable Aquaculture,
  • Bachelor degree in Environment and Resources (Natural Sciences specialisation, Biology track)

Bachelor degrees that qualify

Other bachelor degrees may qualify, if they include the required subjects listed above

You also need to document:

Recommended previous knowledge

Students entering the Aquaculture Biology programme option should have a solid education in Biology and introductory courses in Aquaculture, with background in Fish Biology, Physiology, Cell Biology and Genetics.

Compulsory units


1st semester (Autumn):

  • BIO203 Introduction to Aquaculture* (10 ECTS)
  • BIO300A Academic Writing (5 ECTS)
  • BIO300B Biostatistics (5 ECTS)
  • BIO382 Aquatic Food Production (10 ECTS)

2nd semester (Spring):

  • LAS301 Animal Science Course (6 ECTS)
  • LAS303 Fish Science Course (4 ECTS)
  • Elective courses (20 ECTS)

3rd semester (Autumn):

  • BIO399 Master's Thesis in Biology (30 ECTS)

4th semester (Spring):

  • BIO399 Master's Thesis in Biology (30 ECTS)

*Compulsory unless the course (or equivalent) has been taken previously. If taken previously, replace with an elective.


1st semester (Spring):

  • LAS301 Animal Science Course (6 ECTS)
  • LAS303 Fish Science Course (4 ECTS)
  • Elective courses (20 ECTS)

2nd semester (Autumn):

  • BIO203 Introduction to Aquaculture* (10 ECTS)
  • BIO300A Academic Writing (5 ECTS)
  • BIO300B Biostatistics (5 ECTS)
  • BIO382 Aquatic Food Production (10 ECTS)

3rd semester (Spring):

  • BIO399 Master's Thesis in Biology (30 ECTS)

4th semester (Autumn):

  • BIO399 Master's Thesis in Biology (30 ECTS)

*Compulsory unless the course (or equivalent) has been taken previously. If taken previously, replace with an elective.

Recommended electives

Students interested in aquaculture production systems are recommended to choose among these electives:

  • BIO205 Praksisperiode, lovverk og forvaltning i akvakultur (10 ECTS, Spring) Norwegian only
  • BIO206 Fish Nutrition (10 ECTS, Autumn)
  • BIO207 Seafood Microbiology (10 ECTS, Spring)
  • BIO208 Environmental Impact of Aquaculture (10 ECTS, Spring)
  • BIO213 Marin økologi, miljø og ressursar (10 ECTS, Autumn) Norwegian only
  • BIO275 Fiskehistopatologi (10 ECTS, Autumn)¿ Norwegian only
  • BIO280 Fish Biology I - Systematics and Anatomy (10 ECTS, Autumn)
  • BIO291 Fish Biology II - Physiology (10 ECTS, Autumn)
  • BIO299 Research Practice in Biology (10 ECTS, Autumn/Spring)
  • BIO302 Biostatistics II (5 ECTS, Spring)
  • BIO307 Food Toxicology (10 ECTS, Spring)
  • BIO307A Food Toxicology (5 ECTS, Spring) short version of BIO307
  • BIO324 Fish Behaviour (5 ECTS, Spring)
  • BIO335 Population Genetic Methods (5 ECTS, Spring)
  • SDG214 UN Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water (10 ECTS, Spring)

Students interested in the fundamental biological processes of aquaculture species are recommended to choose among these electives:

  • BIO206 Fish Nutrition (10 ECTS, Autumn)
  • BIO208 Environmental Impact of Aquaculture (10 ECTS, Spring)
  • BIO213 Marin økologi, miljø og ressursar (10 ECTS, Autumn) Norwegian only
  • BIO275 Fiskehistopatologi (10 ECTS, Autumn)¿ Norwegian only
  • BIO280 Fish Biology I - Systematics and Anatomy (10 ECTS, Autumn)
  • BIO291 Fish Biology II - Physiology (10 ECTS, Autumn)
  • BIO299 Research Practice in Biology (10 ECTS, Autumn/Spring)
  • BIO302 Biostatistics II (5 ECTS, Spring)
  • BIO324 Fish Behaviour (5 ECTS, Spring)
  • BIO335 Population Genetic Methods (5 ECTS, Spring)
  • BIO370 Cell and Developmental Biology (10 ECTS, Spring)
  • SDG214 UN Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water (10 ECTS, Spring)

Master thesis credits

The master's thesis (research project) constitutes 60 ECTS.

Teaching and learning methods

The Master`s thesis is an independent scientific work, under supervision of an academic supervisor. A combination of teaching methods is used in the various courses, mainly lectures, seminars, hands-on laboratory practice, and workshops. You will find more information in the individual course descriptions.

Assessment methods

The final step in the programme is an oral examination. The examination is held when the master`s thesis has been submitted, evaluated and approved. The most common assessment methods in courses are written and oral exams, individual and group presentations, and various forms of term projects. The assessment methods for each course are described in its course description.

Grading scale

At UiB the grades are given in one of two possible grading scales: passed/failed and A to F.

The master's thesis will be graded A to F.

The grading scale for each course is given in the course description.

Diploma and Diploma supplement

The Diploma, in Norwegian, and the Diploma Supplement, in English, will be issued when the degree is completed.

Access to further studies

The Masters Programme provides a solid preparation for Ph.D studies in Aquaculture and related disciplines. To be eligible for admission to the Doctoral education (PhD) at UiB the average grade for the master's thesis, the Master's degree and the bachelor's degree should be at least C.

In order to get enrolled you have to be granted a fellowship for doctoral training.


Aquaculture industry, food production, government regulatory bodies, research in aquaculture and nutrition, teaching, coastal resources management.


The programme will be evaluated according to the quality assurance system of the University of Bergen.

Programme committee

The programme committee is responsible for the academic content, the structure and the quality of the program

Administrative responsibility

The Faculty of Science and Technology by the Department of Biological Sciences, holds the administrative responsibility for the programme.

Contact information

Please contact the study adviser for the program if you have any questions: studie@bio.uib.no. Phone: + 47 55 58 44 00