In the Build-Up of COP16
The sixteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention of Biological Diversity (COP16) is taking place in Colombia at the end of October, and CeSAM leaders have been making their opinions heard ahead of the meeting.

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At the beginning of September, the Norwegian government held a meeting where members of the public were invited to give input to the Ministry of Climate and Environment ahead of COP16. CeSAM leaders Vigdis Vandvik and Inger Måren sent their written input to the Ministry, where they urged and advised the government in how to meet their global obligations through the Global Biodiversity Framework, which the country signed in 2022.
The speach held by the Minister of Climate and Environment, Tore O. Sandvik, and all written input can be found here.
Further, professor Vandvik recently attended a nature conference for Nordic civil society organizations (through the Joint Nordic Effort for Biodiversity initiative), the goal was to discuss and build up high ambitions for COP16. During the conference, Vandvik partook in a panel discussing the implementation of the GBF, and how it is important to secure human rights when implementing global frameworks.
Read more about the contents and outputs of the conference here.

Representatives for Nordic sivil society organizations gathered in Oslo.
Do you want to know more about COP16?
Take a look at the official website.