The University Gardens
Themed displays

The Historic Walk

Old Garden Roses; cultivars produced prior to 1867

Historiske roser er ofte veldig fylte
Old Garden Roses are often abundantly doubled
Bjørn Moe

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Along the Historic Walk we grow Old Garden Roses (OGRs), i.e. garden roses belonging to cultivar groups predating 1867. These roses have a long cultural history, some even dating back to antiquity. Common to them is their strong scent, which probably is the main reason for their popularity through the ages. Old Garden Roses are also recognized by their double or filled flowers, often forming dense rosettes, and their dull foliage that is often attacked by rust (without killing them), and untidy growth. They flower only once per season from mid-June to early August. To produce new flower buds, the shrubs must have a period of rest and low temperatures, and these roses should not be cut back early in the season, they should be pruned and shaped just after having finished flowering.

On the Historic Walk you will find:

  • May Roses (Cinnamon Roses, Rosa majalis) (H1a). Early flowering in May.
  • American wild rose hybrids (H1b)
  • European wild rose hybrids (H2). 'Hurdal' (Rosa pendulina hybrids) and 'Milderosa' (Rosa villosa ‘Duplex’).
  • Burnet Roses, Scots Roses (Rosa spinosissima) (H3a)
  • Yellow roses (Rosa foetida hybrids) (H3b)
  • Damask roses (Rosa ×damascena) (H4)
  • French roses, gallica roses (Rosa gallica) (H5)
  • Sentifolia roses (Rosa ×centifolia) (H6)
  • Moss roses (H7)
  • Alba roses (Rosa ×alba) (H8)
  • Portland roses (H9)
  • Bourbon roses (H10)
  • Noisette roses and tea roses (H11)
  • Hybrid China roses (H12)
  • Hybrid Perpetual Roses (H13)

Norwegian Heritage Roses

Along Mildevegen on top of The Historic Walk we have planted ‘Old Garden Roses’ that are often encountered in older gardens in Western Norway. These are hardy roses that have proven their suitability for the local climate. At the lower end of the Walk, you find a selection of roses that we have collected in old gardens specifically along the coast. These are particularly precious local breeds that have become rare, and that we like to encourage rose lovers to grow so they can be saved for the future.