UiB’s Hard Rock Cafe comes to the ICES Annual Science Conference

The ICES Annual Science Conference will take place from 17 – 21 September here in Bergen at the Scandic Hotel: http://www.ices.dk/iceswork/asc/2012/index.asp
The conference features Plenary lectures from Carl Folke (Stockholm University) on “Marine social-ecological systems, resilience and global change” and Trevor A. Branch (University of Washington) on “Historical development and current impact of global fisheries on marine food webs”. There's also an open lecture by Karin Boxaspen (IMR) on “The challenge of Sustainable Aquaculture production – Research and Advice for a changing world”. With all of these marine and fisheries topics, this will be an exciting event for all of us.
There are 21 theme sessions covering diverse topics such as bycatch and discards, the role of the Arctic and Sub-Arctic in climate change, traceability of fish and fish products, and habitat and life stage connectivity.
The sessions and schedules are listed on the ICES website: (http://www.ices.dk/iceswork/asc/2012/themesessions/themesessions.asp),
Starting off the week there’s a theme session covering some of the advanced application of otolith analysis: “Beyond routine ageing: otoliths and other bony structures as windows into fisheries, fish ecology, and the environment”. Audrey Geffen will be giving a keynote presentation on Monday at 15:30 titled: “Episodic events recorded in otoliths – keeping an ear to the ground” and at 16:45 on Tuesday, Arild Folkvord will present “Effects of spawning history on growth of Northeast Arctic cod (Gadus morhua L.)”. These lectures will showcase some exciting examples of the research at FØH that makes use of otolith analysis.