Forskningsgruppe i fysioterapi
WCNR Philadelphia

Presentasjoner på Verdenskongress for nevrorehabilitering i Philadelphia

Forskiningsgruppen i Fysioterapi deltar på WCNR i Philadelphia, 10 - 13 Mai, 2016.

Skyline Philadelphia


Den 9. verdenskongressen for nevrorehabilitering arrangeres i Philadelphia, 10-13 May 2016. Årets tema er “From Science to Society”

Poster presentasjoner

Bente Gjelsvik
Trunk control and lesion locations: relationship and hemispheric differentiation in acute stroke
Date: Tuesday, 10. May 12.45 - 17.00 poster board 062

Mona Aaslund
Longitudinal study investigating the association between severity, disability and physical function at baseline with walking speed six months post-stroke
Date: Wednesday, 11. May 12:45 - 17:00

Oral presentation

Iris Brunner
Is upper limb Virtual Reality training more intensive than conventional training for patients in the subacute phase after stroke?
Date: Tuesday, 10.May 14.20  Oral communications 4

All abstracts can be found here: http://wcnr2016.org/scientific-information/poster-abstracts-pdf-with-board#.VxTDDU1f3DA

Information about the congress here: http://wcnr2016.org/