Nyere og utvalgte publikasjoner
Brekke, Kurt Richard; Straume, Odd Rune. Competition policy for health care provision in Norway. Health Policy 2017 ;Volum 121.(2) s. 134-140.
Hangoma, Peter; Aakvik, Arild; Robberstad, Bjarne. Explaining changes in child health inequality in the run up to the 2015 millennium development goals (MDGs): The case of Zambia. PLoS ONE 2017 ;Volum 12:e0170995.(2) s. 1-21.
Askildsen Jan Erik, Tor Helge Holmås, Oddvar M. Kaarbøe og Karin Monstad Evaluering av kommunal medfinansiering, Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning, 2, 135-141, 2016.
Brekke, K.R., Levaggi, R., Siciliani, L., Straume, O.R., 2016. Patient mobility and health care quality when regions and patients differ in income. Journal of Health Economics, 50, 372-387.
Carrieri V. and Jones, A.M., “The income-health relationship “beyond the mean”: new evidence from biomarkers” Health Economics, DOI: 10.1002/hec.3372 (Online 15 July 2016).
Grasdal Astrid. 2016. De helserelaterte trygdeytelsene: Betydningen av økonomiske insentiver og samspill mellom trygdeordninger. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning. 14: 102-124. doi: 10.18261/issn.2464-3076-2016-02-02
Islam, M Kamril, Egil Kjerstad, The Ambiguous Effect of GP Competition – The case of Admissions to Hospitals”, 2016, First published 14 October 2016, DOI: 10.1002/hec.3439, Health Economics.
Januleviciute Jurgita, Jan Erik Askildsen, Oddvar Kaarbøe, Luigi Siciliani and Matt Sutton, 2016, “How do Hospitals Respond to Price Changes? Evidence from Norway”, Health Economics, 25, 620-636. DOI: 10.1002/hec.3179.
Riise Julie, Arne Risa Hole, Dorte Gyrd-Hansen and Diane Skåtun "GPs' implicit prioritization through clinical choices - evidence from three national health services". Journal of Health Economics, 2016, 49, p169-183.
Lundberg Shelly, Katrine V. Løken and Julie Riise, “Lifting the burden: State-care of the elderly and the labor supply of adult children”. Forthcoming (published electronically in 2016) in Journal of Human Resources.
Aakvik Arild, Tor Helge Holmås and Egil Kjerstad. Prioritization and the Elusive Effect on Welfare – A Norwegian Health Care Reform Revisited. Social Science and Medicine, 128, pp. 290–300, March 2015.
Brekke, K.R., Holmås, T.H., Straume, O.R., 2015. Price regulation and parallel imports of pharmaceuticals. Journal of Public Economics, 129, 92-105.
Carlsen Fredrik and Oddvar M. Kaarbøe, The Relationship between Educational Attainment and Waiting Time among the Elderly in Norway. Health Policy. 119(11), s 1450- 1458, 2015.
Jones A.M., Lomas, J., and Rice, N., “Healthcare cost regressions: going beyond the mean to estimate the full distribution”, Health Economics, 24, 1192-1212, 2015. DOI: 10.1002/hec.3178 (Online 30 April 2015). Awarded the inaugural Willard G. Manning Memorial Award for the Best Research in Health Econometrics.
Reme Silje Endresen; Grasdal, Astrid; Løvvik, Camilla; Lie, Stein Atle; Øverland, Simon N.Överland. 2015. Work-focused cognitive-behavioural therapy and individual job support to increase work participation in common mental disorders: a randomised controlled multicentre trial. Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 72: 745-752. doi: 10.1136/oemed-2014-102700
Et utvalg publikasjoner fra 2010 - 2014
Askildsen Jan Erik, Fredrik Carlsen, Tor Helge Holmås og Oddvar M. Kaabrøe, Fordeling av midler til kommunal medfinansiering av spesialisthelsetjenestene. Samfunnsøkonomen, 128(9), 39-50, 2014.
Bjørnskov Pedersen Line, Julie Riise, Arne Risa Hole and Dorte Gyrd-Hansen, “GPs’ shifting agencies in choice of treatment”. Applied Eonomics, 2014, 46(7), p750-761.
Carlsen Fredrik and Oddvar M. Kaarbøe, Waiting times and socioeconomic status. Evidence from Norway. Health Economics, 23(1), 93-107, 2014.
Askildsen Jan Erik and Tor Helge Holmås, 2013, “Wages and work conditions as determinants for physicians’ work decisions”, Applied Economics 45 (3), 397-406.
Askildsen, Jan Erik, Oddvar M. Kaabøe and Tor Iversen, Review of waiting times policies: Country case study, Norway. In Siciliani, Borowich and Moran (eds.). Waiting times policies in the health sector. What works? OECD Health Policy Studies, 2013.
Carlsen Benedicte, Julie Riise. “Fastlegenes dilemma: Pasientvelferd eller kostnadshensyn?”. Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift, 2013, 30(04), p349-358.
Risa Hole Arne, Julie Riise and Dorte Gyrd-Hansen “Inferred vs stated attribute non-attendance in choice experiments: A study of doctors’ prescription behavior”. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2013, 96, p21-31.
Carlsen Benedicte, Arne Risa Hole, Julie Riise and Ole Frithjof Norheim “When you can’t have the cake and eat it too; A study of medical doctors’ priorities in complex choice situations”. Social Science and Medicine, 2012, 75(11), p1664-1673.
Askildsen Jan Erik, Tor Helge Holmås and Oddvar Kaarbøe, 2011, “Monitoring Prioritization in the Public Health care Sector by Use of Medical Guidelines: The Case of Norway”, Health Economics 20 (8), 958-970.
Brekke, K.R., Holmås, T.H., Straume, O.R., 2011. Reference pricing, competition and pharmaceutical expenditures: Theory and evidence from a natural experiment. Journal of Public Economics, 95, 624-638.
Riise Julie, “How can rural jobs be made more attractive to Tanzanian health workers? Results from a discrete choice experiment”, Health Economics, 2011, 20(2), p196-211. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/hec.1581/full.
van der Pol M, Cairns J. An axiomatic test of the DU, quasi-hyperbolic and generalized hyperbolic discounting model. Health Economics 2011;20:770-782.
Aakvik Arild, Tor Helge Holmås and M. Kamrul Islam. Does variation in GP practice matter for the length of sickness absenteeism? A multilevel analysis based on Norwegian GP--patient data. Social Science and Medicine, 70, pp 1590-1598, 2010.
Melberg H.O., Jones, A.M and Bretteville-Jensen A.L., “Is cannabis a causal gateway to hard drugs?”, Empirical Economics, 38, 583-603, 2010.
Kiiskinen U, Suominen-Taipale L, Cairns J. Think twice before you book? Modelling the choice of public vs. private dentist in a choice experiment Health Economics 2010;19:670-82.
Holmås Tor Helge, Kjerstad Egil, Lurås Hilde, Straume Odd Rune, Does monetary punishment crowd out pro-social motivation? A natural experiment on hospital length of stay”, 2010, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Volume 75, Issue 2, August, Pages 261-267.
Aakvik A, Holmås TH, Islam MK. Does variation in General Practitioner (GP) practice matter for the length of sickness absenteeism? A multilevel analysis based on Norwegian GP--patient data. Social Sciences and Medicine, 70, 1590–1598, 2010.
Brekke Kurt; Grasdal, Astrid; Holmås, Tor Helge. 2009. Regulation and pricing of pharmaceuticals: Reference pricing or price cap regulation? European Economic Review. 53: 170-185. doi: 10.1016/j.euroecorev.2008.03.004
Haug Kjell, Oddvar M Kaarbøe og Trond E. Olsen (red). Et helsevesen uten grenser? Oslo: Cappelen Damm, 2009.
van der Pol M, Cairns J. Comparison of two methods for eliciting time preference for future health states. Social Science and Medicine 2008;67:883-889.
Robberstad B and Cairns J. Time preferences for health in northern Tanzania : an empirical analysis of alternative discounting models. Pharmacoeconomics, 2007. 25(1): p. 73-88.