Lenker til værvarsler, satellitt og radar bilder, data ressursser og annen meteorologisk relevant informasjon.
Værvarsler og observasjoner
Vi på Geofysisk institutt utarbeider ikke værvarsler, de blir utført av f.eks. Meteorologisk institutt, Storm Weather Center og andre. Under finner du en samling av lenker til ulike værvarsler for Bergen og andre steder:
- Værvarsler for Norge og resten av verden - yr.no
- Meteogram for Bergen - yr.no/Bergen
- Meteogram for Bergen - meteoblue
- UV-varsel for Norge - yr.no/UV
- Værvarsler for Norge og resten av verden - Storm Weather Center
- Verdensværet fra Dansk Meteorologisk Institutt - DMI
- Værvarsel fra BBC Weather - BBC Weather
- Værvarsel for de neste 4 dagene og klimatologisk informasjon for Bergen - WMO
- Vindvarsel - WINDGURU
- Varsel for hav og kyst - yr.no/seaandcoast
- Værvarsel for fjellovergangene - yr.no/mountaincrossings
- Earth - visualization of global weather conditions - earth.nullschool.net
- Composite VIS/IR satellite image with isobars - Naval Research Lab MRY
.... and the corresponding archive - NRLMRY Archive
- Real time satellite images - wetterzentrale.de
- Meteosat animation for Europe - meteoblue
- Global satellite image archive - NASA Earthview
- Rain radar for western Norway from met.no - yr.no
- Rain radar animation for Scandinavia - FMI
- Compilation of global radar animations - rain-alarm
Data ressursser
- NCEP reanalyser - NCEP
- Integrated Global Radiosonde Archive - IGRA
- Radiosonde Archive University of Wyoming - UoW
- NOAA/ESRL Radiosonde Database - NOAA/ESRL
- The British Atmospheric Data Centre - BADC
- Weather- and climate data from met.no - eKlima
- METAR and TAF archive - Navlost.eu
- Metar archive (since 2010) - NOAA
- Actual METAR observations - Europe
- Citizen Weather Observer Program - CWOP
- Community Collaborative Rain, Hail & Snow Network - CoCoRaHS
- Weather Underground - wunderground.com
- Glossary of Meteorology - AMS
- Houze's cloud atlas - University of Washington
- Mini cloud atlas - Roger's sky pics
- Online cloud atlas - Clouds Online
- Weather Photo's cloud atlas - Weather Photos
- Karlsruhe cloud atlas - Wolkenatlas.de
- Clouds 365 Project - clouds365.com
- B/W infrared time lapse photography of clouds - PetaPixel
- The Cloud Appreciation Society - cloudappreciationsociety.org
- Monitoring radioactivity in Norway - NRPA
- Lightning yesterday in Norway, Sweden and Finland - SINTEF
- Lightning in Europe (updated every 15 min) - EUCLID
- Lightning in Europe - WetterOnline
- Lightning in Norhtern Europe - Norwegian Lightning detection
- History of Radiosondes - Radiosonde Museum of North America
- Historic weather data from ship observations - oldweather.org
- World Meteorological Organization - WMO
Meteorological Societies
- American Meteorological Society - AMS
- European Meteorological Society - EMS
- German Meteorological Society - DMG
- International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences - IAMAS
- International Commission on History of Meteorology - ICHM
Nasjonale meteorologiske institutt
- Algeria Meteorological Office - Meteo Algerie
- Antigua and Barbuda Meteorological Services - ABMS
- Argentinian Meteorological Service _ SMN
- Australian Bureau of Meteorology - BOM
- Austrian Meteorological Service - ZAMG
- Bahamas Meteorology Department - BMD
- Belgian Meteorological Service - RMI
- Belize National Meteorological Service - BNMS
- Brazilian Meteorological Service - INMET
- Bulgarian Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology - BAS
- Canadian Meteorological Service - Environment Canada
- Chile Meteorological Service - DMC
- China Meteorological Administration - CMA
- Colombia Hydrological and Meteorological Institute - IDEAM
- Costa Rica National Meteorological Institute - IMN
- Croatia Meteorological and Hydrological Service - DHMZ
- Cuban Meteorological Institute - INSMET
- Cyprus Meteorological Service - CMS
- Czech Hydrometeorological Institute - CHMI
- Danish Meteorological Institute - DMI
- Dominican Republic National Weather Service - ONAMET
- El Salvador Meteorological Service - DGOA
- Estonian Meteorological and Hydrological Institute - EMHI
- Ethiopian National Meteorology Agency -NMA
- Finnish Meteorological Institute - FMI
- French Meteorological Service - Meteo France
- German Meteorological Service - DWD
- Ghana Meteorological Agency - GMET
- Greek Meteorological Service - HNMS
- Guatemala Meteorological Service - INSIVUMEH
- Honduras National Meteorological Service - SMN
- Hungaryan Meteorological Service - HMS
- Icelandic Met Office - Vedurstofa
- India Meteorological Department - IMD
- Irish Meteorological Service - Met Eireann
- Italian Meteorological Service - MeteoAMI
- Jamaica Meteorological Service - JMS
- Japanese Meteorological Agency - JMA
- Kazakhstan Hydrometeorological Institute - Kazhydromet
- Kenya Meteorological Department - KMD
- Latvian Hydrometeorological Agency - LVGMC
- Lesotho Meteorological Services - LMS
- Lithuanian Hydrometeorological Service - LHMS
- Malawi Meteorological Service - MetMalawi
- Marokko Meteorological Service - Meteo Maroc
- Mauritius Meteorological Services - MMS
- Moldavia State Hydrometeorological Service - MSHS
- Namibia Meteorological Service - NMS
- Nepalese Meteorological Service - DHM
- Netherlands Meteorological Institute - KNMI
- Netherlands Antilles and Aruba - MDC
- Norwegian Meteorological Institute - met.no
- Panama Hydrometeorological Service - Hidromet
- Paraguay Meteorological and Hydrological Service - DINAC
- Peru National Meteorological and Hydrological Service - Senamhi
- Polish Meteorological Service - IMGW
- Portugese Meteorological Service - IM
- Romanian Meteorological Institute - RMI
- Russian Meteorological Service - HCR
- Serbia Hydrometeorological Service - SHMS
- Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute - SHMU
- Slovenian National Meteorological Service - SNMS
- Spanish Meteorological Service - AEMET
- South African Meteorological Service - SAMS
- Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute - SMHI
- Swiss Meteorological Service -Meteo Swiss
- Tanzania Meteorological Agency - TMA
- Trinidad and Tobago Meteorological Service - TTMS
- Turkish State Meteorological Service - TSMS
- Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center - UHMC
- United Kingdom Meteorological Service - UK Met Office
- Uruguay National Meteorological Service - UDNM
- US National Weather Service - NWS
- Zimbabwe Meteorological Service Department - MSD
For skoler og skoleelever
- Weather for Kids (in Norwegian) - metlab.no
- Weather for Kids - Weatherwizkids
- Earth Science for Kids - NASA
- The WeatherChannel Kids - theweatherchannelkids.com
- The Weather Dude - Nick Walker
- Discovery Kids Weather - kids.discovery.com
- MetOffice for Kids - metoffice.gov.uk
- Tree House Weather Kids - University of Illinois
For studenter og forskere
- E-learning in Climate Science Education - m2lab.org
- Teaching and Training Resources for the Geoscience Community - MetEd