Oral Helse

Birth control study in Uganda - Promise EBF and PEP


Promise EBF- Birth cohort study of early lifecourse factors and influence on development of oral health in children in Uganda

Collaborating Institutions: Departnmet of clinical dentistry, UoB, Makerere University , Uganda, Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care, Center for international Health, UoB, Norway, Department of Pediatrics and Child Health School of Medicine , College of Health Science, Makerere University, Uganda

Funding: The study was part of the European Union-funded project PROMISE-EBF (contract no INCO-CT 2004–003660, the clinicaltrials website: "https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00397150". It was also financially supported through the project ‘Essential nutrition and child health in Uganda’ funded by NUFU (Norwegian Programme for Development, Research and Education).University of Bergen, Makerere University and Medical Research Council, South Africa.

PhD/Postdoctor: Nancy Birungi


PROMISE PEP- Birth cohort study of HIV exposed uninfected children in Uganda

Collaborating institutions: Departnmet of Clinical Dentistry, UoB, Makerere University , Uganda, Department of Global Public Health and Primary care, Center for international Health, UoB, Norway, Department of Pediatrics and Child Health School of Medicine , College of Health Science, Makerere University, Uganda

Funding: University pof Bergen, This study used data collected in the context of the ANRS 12174 clinical trial and 12341 study supported by the Pierre Bergé endowment fund in collaboration with SIDACTION and sponsored by the French National Agency for Research on AIDS and Viral Hepatitis (ANRS#12341), the European Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP; grant number CT.2006.33020.004), the Research Council of Norway (GlobVac grant number 183600) and the Total Foundation. NB benefited from a postdoctoral research position funded by the Department of Clinical Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Bergen.

PhD /postdoctor: Nancy Birungi