Institutt for geovitenskap

Gjesteforelesning torsdag 5.2 - VilVite Aud kl 15-16


How can we ensure that research and innovation contribute to sustainable development?

Siri Granum Carson, director of NTNU Oceans & Jens Kristian Fosse, Vice Dean for Innovation and head of the Mohn Center for Innovation and Regional Development, HVL

The UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide an indication of the direction in which development must move, but how can we ensure that research and innovation support these goals? ‘RRI’ stands for Responsible Research and Innovation and centers around how research and innovation can be more focused on solving major global societal challenges. At the same time, we should not focus exclusively on global agendas, because the SDGs cannot be achieved without change at the local and regional scales. In this presentation, Siri Granum Carson will introduce the concept of RRI and the Norwegian center AFINO (Responsible Research and Innovation in Norway), which explores the possibilities and limitations of the Norwegian context for RRI and sustainable innovation. Furthermore, Jens Kristian Fosse will present a regional perspective on RRI and sustainable innovation. He will base his presentation on ongoing research at the Mohn Center, as well as the new PhD program ‘Responsible innovation and regional development’. We will also include a Q & A session.

Siri Granum Carson is Director of NTNU Oceans and Associate Professor on the Program for Applied Ethics at NTNU. She is the project manager for AFINO - a national, virtual center for responsible innovation and corporate social responsibility in Norway.

Jens Kristian Fosse is the Vice Dean for Innovation at the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences and head of the Mohn Center for Innovation and Regional Development at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. He is affiliated with the project ‘Capacity Lift for Sustainable and Innovative Seafood Production’ (KABIS). 

Both Carson and Fosse are adjunct professors affiliated with the UNESCO Chair for Sustainable Heritage and Environmental Management at BIO, see here for more information.